BPRO 21500. What is Civic Knowledge? 100 Units.
What is civic knowledge? Although civic rights and duties are supposedly universal to all citizens in a "democratic" nation, their implementation often depends on the strength of community connections and the circulation of knowledge across racial, class, and social boundaries. Focusing on the city of Chicago, we ask how citizens (in their roles as citizens) forge communities, make urban plans, and participate in civic affairs. How does the city construct the public spheres of its residents? Are the social practices of Chicagoans truly "democratic?" Could they be? What does "Chicago" stand for, as a political and cultural symbol? For both Chicagoans and their representatives, the circulation of knowledge depends not only on conventional media but also on how the city is constructed and managed through digital media.
Instructor(s): R. Schultz, M. Browning. Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing
Equivalent Course(s): LLSO 24906, PHIL 21006, HUMA 24906, PBPL 21500
BPRO 22300. Empire. 100 Units.
Students in this course read a variety of texts (e.g., writings of Thucydides, Vergil, and Forster; documents from the caliphate of Andalusia; current articles). By viewing their own experiences in the light of Arab, British, Greek, and Roman empires, students reflect on America's role in the cultures and countries of the twenty-first century. Economics, language, culture, ecology, and social ethics may provide the lenses through which students view and review their experiences.
Instructor(s): Staff Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing. Completion of the general education requirement in civilization studies through a College-sponsored study abroad program.
Equivalent Course(s): HUMA 22303, CLCV 28707
BPRO 22400. The Ugly American Comes Home. 100 Units.
The aims of this course are to interrogate not only the experience of studying abroad, but also the condition of coming "home" and facing a range of needs to assimilate and articulate your experience. We address being abroad and afterward through a range of reading materials, including travel writings, philosophies of education, and considerations of narrative and perception. Writing assignments will explicitly address the challenge of integrating study abroad with other forms of knowledge and experience that characterize collegiate education.
Instructor(s): J. Ketelaar, M. Merritt Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing; completion of a study abroad program (University of Chicago program, other institution’s program, or self-structured program).
Equivalent Course(s): INST 22400
BPRO 22612. Topics in Medical Ethics. 100 Units.
Decisions about medical treatment and medical policy often have profound moral implications. Taught by three philosophers, a physician, and a medical lawyer, this course will examine such issues as paternalism, autonomy, informed consent, assisted suicide, abortion, organ markets, distributive justice in health care, and pandemic ethics. (A)
Instructor(s): D. Brudney; Staff Terms Offered: Not offered 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third or fourth year standing. This course does not meet requirements for the Biological Sciences major.
Note(s): Philosophy majors: this course fulfills the practical philosophy (A) requirement.
Equivalent Course(s): HLTH 21609, HIPS 21609, PHIL 21609
BPRO 22700. Abortion: Morality, Politics, Philosophy. 100 Units.
Abortion is a complex and fraught topic. Morally, a very wide range of individual, familial, and social concerns converge upon it. Politically, longstanding controversies have been given new salience and urgency by the Dobbs decision and the ongoing moves by state legislatures to restrict access to abortion. In terms of moral philosophy, deep issues in ethics merge with equally deep questions about the nature of life, action, and the body. In terms of political philosophy, basic questions are raised about the relationship of religious and moral beliefs to the criminal law of a liberal state. We will seek to understand the topic in all of this complexity. Our approach will be thoroughly intra- and inter-disciplinary, drawing not only on our separate areas of philosophical expertise but on the contributions of a series of guest instructors in law, history, and medicine. (A)
Instructor(s): Jason Bridges, Dan Brudney Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): PQ: Third or fourth-year standing. Students should opt into a discussion section that fits their schedule.
Note(s): Philosophy majors: this course fulfills the practical philosophy (A) requirement.
Equivalent Course(s): GNSE 22705, HIPS 22701, PHIL 22702, HMRT 22702, HLTH 22700
BPRO 22800. Drinking Alcohol: Social Problem or Normal Cultural Practice? 100 Units.
Alcohol is the most widely used psychoactive agent in the world, and, as archaeologists have recently demonstrated, it has a very long history dating back at least 9,000 years. This course will explore the issue of alcohol and drinking from a trans-disciplinary perspective. It will be co-taught by an anthropologist/archaeologist with experience in alcohol research and a neurobiologist who has experience with addiction research. Students will be confronted with literature on alcohol research from anthropology, sociology, history, biology, medicine, psychology, and public health and asked to think through the conflicts and contradictions. Selected case studies will be used to focus the discussion of broader theoretical concepts and competing perspectives introduced in the first part of the course. Topics for lectures and discussion include: fermentation and the chemistry and pharmacology of alcohol; the early history of alcohol; histories of drinking in ancient, medieval, and modern times; alcohol and the political economy; alcohol as a cultural artifact; styles of drinking and intoxication; how is alcohol metabolized; addiction; how does alcohol affect sensations; social problems; alcohol and religion; alcohol and health benefits; comparative case studies of drinking.
Instructor(s): M. Dietler, W. Green Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third or fourth-year standing.
Note(s): This course does not meet requirements for the biological sciences major.
Equivalent Course(s): ANTH 25310, BIOS 02280, HLTH 25310
BPRO 22900. People in Motion: Rethinking Transit in Chicago and Beyond. 100 Units.
How do you get from A to B? Within and between today's urbanized areas, that seemingly simple question has become one of the most fraught and intractable problems. This course seeks to address questions about public transit across scales, from pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure at the level of individual intersections and blocks up to regional train networks and beyond. Like other design studio courses, the class will be project-based, and will ask students to develop a wide understanding of existing systems, but also to learn through creative design projects that expand their sense of what's possible. After working together to understand many existing transit solutions across different scales, to come to terms with and document Chicago's transit landscape, and to dream speculatively about untested transit possibilities both low- and high-tech, students will focus on building a portfolio of creative suggestions for their respective "clients" (e.g., the University of Chicago, the 4th Ward Alderman). Alongside this project work, assigned readings and explorations around Chicago will immerse students in the culture and philosophy of moving people and things, across different moments past, present and future.
Instructor(s): E. Carver, L. Joyner Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): Third or fourth-year standing
Note(s): This course counts towards the ENST/CEGU 4th year Capstone requirement. While this class does not require prior experience, all ARCH studio courses require consent. Starting November 6, please visit arthistory.uchicago.edu/archconsent to request instructor consent for this class or other ARCH studios. (Please do not send consent requests by email.)
Equivalent Course(s): ARTH 22909, CEGU 22900, ENST 22900, ARCH 22909, CHST 22900
BPRO 23100. Food: From Need to Want, or, Ethics and Aesthetics. 100 Units.
There is nothing more integral nor intimate to our survival than the act of eating. More than simply sustenance, food's pleasure extends exponentially into cultural and global concerns that include climate change, resource distribution, and economic policies. From the relative smallness of, for example, snacking on a handful of raisins, the circumstances that involve its growth, production, distribution, and costs are far-reaching. Growing awareness of what we eat, where it comes from, and how it is produced necessarily addresses need as well as a complex set of aesthetic and ethical issues that spans disciplines and practices ranging from the personal, that is, what you put in your mouth, to the political, that is, economics, identity, labor, and the environment. The goal of this course is to engage a wholistic approach to scholarship, spanning the theoretical and the textual, the experiential and the aesthetic, the ethical and the social. We will address the rich importance of food not only within an academic context but also within our community including chefs, urban foragers, and farmers/growers as lecturers. In each week's session, students will be provided with texts as well as other modes of knowledge production and acquisition including film, art, and gardens. Through this heterogeneous process the course is designed to set disciplinary, material, and temporal borders aside so that students, faculty, and the larger community can have these conversations in dialogue.
Instructor(s): L. Letinsky Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): PQ: Third- or fourth-year standing.
Equivalent Course(s): ENST 20023, CEGU 20023, ARTH 29940, ARTV 30023, HLTH 23100, ARTV 20023
BPRO 23500. The Organization of Knowledge. 100 Units.
This course explores several structures of knowledge that students may have encountered in their core and specialized education, with the goal of enabling students to identify and explore the implications of these different structures. We ask whether all knowledge is relative, and if so, to what? When things are structured differently, does that mean that knowledge is lost? Or are there several diverse ways of structuring knowledge, each of which may be viable? We read a wide range of classical and modern thinkers in various disciplines.
Instructor(s): W. Sterner, Staff Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing
Equivalent Course(s): HUMA 23502, HIPS 23000
BPRO 23600. Social Context, Biology, and Health. 100 Units.
We take for granted our relationships with other people as fundamental. Yet when these connections are absent or disrupted, our minds and biology are likewise disrupted. Epidemiological studies have now clearly established a relationship between social isolation and both mental and physical health. This course adopts an integrative interdisciplinary approach that spans the biological to sociological levels of analysis to explore the interactions involved and possible mechanisms by which the social world gets under the skin to affect the mind, brain, biology, and health.
Instructor(s): J. Cacioppo, M. McClintock, L. Waite Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing
Equivalent Course(s): PSYC 25300
BPRO 23760. The Social Brain: Social Isolation and Loneliness. 100 Units.
The past two decades have witnessed a remarkable rise in the number of investigations published on the social brain. The discoveries conveyed by the titles of many of these reports (e.g., the neural basis of love, altruism, morality, generosity, trust) have piqued the interest of young investigators, funding agencies, the media, and laypeople alike. Such attention is a double-edged sword, however, as errors are exaggerated in importance, and oversimplifications create false expectations and, ultimately, disillusionment in what the field can contribute. It is, of course, one thing to assume that neural processes underlie all psychological phenomenon, it is another to claim that a given brain region is the biological instantiation of complex psychological functions like the self, empathy or loneliness. The purpose of this course is to examine opportunities and challenges in this field primarily through research on two of the most important topics in the field: social isolation and empathy.
Instructor(s): J. Cacioppo, L. Hawkley Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing. This course does not meet requirements for the biological sciences major.
Equivalent Course(s): PSYC 23760, BIOS 29324
BPRO 23800. The Affect System. 100 Units.
The term "affect" typically refers to feelings beyond those of the traditional senses, with an emphasis on the experience of emotions and variations in hedonic tone. The structure and processes underlying mental contents are not readily apparent, however, and most cognitive processes occur unconsciously with only selected outcomes reaching awareness. Over millions of years of evolution, efficient and manifold mechanisms have evolved for differentiating hostile from hospitable stimuli and for organizing adaptive responses to these stimuli. These are critically important functions for the evolution of mammals, and the integrated set of mechanisms that serve these functions can be thought of as an "affect system." It is this affect system-its architecture and operating characteristics, as viewed from neural, psychological, social, and political perspectives-that is the focus of the course.
Instructor(s): J. Cacioppo, E. Oliver, S. Cacioppo Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing
Equivalent Course(s): PLSC 23810, PSYC 23880
BPRO 23900. Biological and Cultural Evolution. 100 Units.
This course draws on readings in and case studies of language evolution, biological evolution, cognitive development and scaffolding, processes of socialization and formation of groups and institutions, and the history and philosophy of science and technology. We seek primarily to elaborate theory to understand and model processes of cultural evolution, while exploring analogies, differences, and relations to biological evolution. This has been a highly contentious area, and we examine why. We seek to evaluate what such a theory could reasonably cover and what it cannot.
Instructor(s): W. Wimsatt, S. Mufwene Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing or consent of instructor required; core background in evolution and genetics strongly recommended.
Equivalent Course(s): PHIL 32500, LING 11100, CHDV 33930, HIPS 23900, CHSS 37900, ANTH 38615, PHIL 22500, CHDV 23930, ANTH 28615, LING 39286, NCDV 27400
BPRO 24000. Understanding Wisdom. 100 Units.
Thinking about the nature of wisdom goes back to the Greek philosophers and the classical religious sages, but the concept of wisdom has changed in many ways over the history of thought. While wisdom has received less scholarly attention in modern times, it has recently re-emerged in popular discourse with a growing recognition of its potential importance for addressing complex issues in many domains. But what is wisdom? It's often used with a meaning more akin to "smart" or "clever." Is it just vast knowledge? This course will examine the nature of wisdom-how it has been defined, how its meaning has changed, and what its essential components might be. We will examine how current psychological theories conceptualize wisdom and consider whether, and how, wisdom can be studied scientifically; that is, can wisdom be measured and experimentally manipulated to illuminate its underlying mechanisms and understand its functions? Finally, we will explore how concepts of wisdom can be applied in business, education, medicine, the law, and in the course of our everyday lives. Readings will be drawn from a wide array of disciplines including philosophy, classics, history, psychology, behavioral economics, medicine, and public policy.
Instructor(s): A. Henly, H. Nusbaum Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Note(s): See PSYC 24055 The Psychological Foundations of Wisdom.
Equivalent Course(s): HUMA 24005, PSYC 24050, RLST 24050
BPRO 24100. Science and Religion. 100 Units.
In this course, we explore some aspects of the relations between science and religion in Western culture (e.g., Christian, Jewish, Islamic). Questions include: What are science and religion? Are they competing intellectual systems for making sense of the world? What are social institutions? Can they be in conflict with one another? Can they support one another? Each of the instructors treats these questions by examining certain historical episodes and texts to add different perspectives to the material.
Instructor(s): Staff Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing
BPRO 24150. Romantic Love: Cultural, Philosophical, and Psychological Aspects. 100 Units.
This double-credit course combines humanistic and social scientific disciplines to examine the phenomenon of romantic love-a "big problem" in practical, theoretical, and cultural senses. The course starts by comparing representations of romantic love experiences in visual, musical and literary arts and myths. After exploring what may be specific to this form of love, we address two further issues: the role and sources of non-rational experience in romantic love, and the role of romantic love in modern marriage. Illumination of these topics is sought through the discussion of humanistic and social scientific texts and cinematic presentations.
Instructor(s): D. Orlinsky, Staff Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing
Note(s): The class meets for six hours a week.
Equivalent Course(s): CHDV 24150, HUMA 24150, GNSE 24150
BPRO 24200. Psychoneuroimmunology. 100 Units.
This course covers all aspects of neuroimmunoendocrinology at the molecular, cellular, and organismal and social levels.
Instructor(s): M. McClintock, J. Quintans Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third or fourth-year standing
Note(s): This course does not meet requirements for the biological sciences major.
Equivalent Course(s): BIOS 02370, PSYC 34100, BPRO 44140, PSYC 24150
BPRO 24500. Language and Globalization. 100 Units.
Globalization has been a buzz word in our lives over the past few decades. It is also one of those terms whose varying meanings have become more and more challenging to characterize in a uniform way. The phenomena it names have been associated with important transformations in our cultures, including the languages we speak. Distinguishing myths from facts, this course articulates the different meanings of globalization, anchors them in a long history of socioeconomic colonization, and highlights the specific ways in which the phenomena it names have affected the structures and vitalities of languages around the world. We learn about the dynamics of population contact in class and their impact on the evolution of languages.
Instructor(s): S. Mufwene Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Equivalent Course(s): LING 27500, LING 37500, CRES 37500, CRES 27500, ANTH 47905, ANTH 27705
BPRO 24600. Moments in Atheism. 100 Units.
Atheism is as old as religion. As religion and its place in society have evolved throughout history, so has the standing and philosophical justification for non-belief. This course examines the intellectual and cultural history of atheism in Western thought from antiquity to the present. We are concerned with the evolution of arguments for a non-religious worldview, as well as with the attitude of society toward atheism and atheists.
Instructor(s): S. Bartsch, Staff Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing
Equivalent Course(s): RLST 25200, CLCV 22400, HIST 29402
BPRO 24800. Complex Problem: World Hunger. 100 Units.
Few of our policymakers are experts in economics, agronomy, food science, and molecular biology, yet all of these disciplines are essential for developing strategies to end world hunger. Choosing one country as a test case, we look at the history, politics, governmental structure, population demographics, and agricultural challenges. We then study the theory of world markets, global trade, and microeconomics of developing nations, as well as the promise and limitation of traditional breeding and biotechnology.
Instructor(s): J. Malamy, Staff Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third or fourth-year standing
Equivalent Course(s): SOSC 26900, ENST 24800, BIOS 02810
BPRO 24900. Biology and Sociology of AIDS. 100 Units.
This interdisciplinary course deals with current issues of the AIDS epidemic.
Instructor(s): H. Pollack, J. Schneider Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing
Note(s): This course does not meet requirements for the biological sciences major.
Equivalent Course(s): BIOS 02490, SSAD 65100
BPRO 25000. Images of Time: Japanese History Through Film. 100 Units.
Focusing attention on the emerging nexus between audio-visual media and historical studies, this course deals with theories of time, history, and representation while making those ideas and problems concrete through a study of the way in which history in Japan has been mediated by the cinema. A close reading of a wide range of films produced in and about Japan in tandem with primary and secondary materials on theories of time, images, and national history highlights the historicity and history of both film and Japan. All work in English.
Instructor(s): J. Ketelaar, Staff Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing required; knowledge of Japanese not required.
Equivalent Course(s): EALC 24601, CMST 24906, HIST 24603
BPRO 25100. Evolutionary Theory and Its Role in the Human Sciences. 100 Units.
The course's aim is two-fold: (1) an examination of the origins and development of Darwin's theory from the early nineteenth century to the present; and (2) a selective investigation of the ways various disciplines of the human sciences (i.e., sociology, psychology, anthropology, ethics, politics, economics) have used evolutionary ideas.
Instructor(s): R. Richards, Staff Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing
Equivalent Course(s): HIPS 25801, HIST 25004, PHIL 25123
BPRO 25200. Body and Soul: Approaches to Prayer. 100 Units.
Why do we pray? Why do we experience prayer practice as reaching out towards an intentional being whom we cannot (except in representation) touch, see, or hear? This course approaches an answer to that question by looking at the way we pray, particularly in a Christian context. What kinds of bodily engagement do we find in prayer; what impact might prayer practice have upon our bodies; what bodily features of prayer might help to explain why its practice has been so compelling to so many for so many years?
Instructor(s): Staff Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing
Equivalent Course(s): RLST 28800
BPRO 25400. Jews and Christians in the Middle East. 100 Units.
Minorities around the world today invite questions about the prospects of pluralism and tolerance in modern societies. This course will explore these long-studied questions by examining the case of Jews and Christians in the Middle East, as well as its tangled histories with Muslims and Jews in Mediterranean Europe. Co-taught by a historian of Jews in Iraq and an anthropologist of Copts in Egypt, we will explore histories and ethnographies to consider the political, social, and religious dimensions of minority communities. Our syllabus also blends various literary genres and forms of media with academic scholarship to explore various voices in the conversation about Jews and Christians in the Middle East-from novels, films, and poetry to theological tracts and political treatises. We raise the following questions throughout our course: What terms for coexistence have governed Jews, Christians, and Muslims in the Mediterranean? How are religious practices and traditions linked to histories of rule? How do ideologies (e.g., nationalism, secularism, communism) shape the way minorities understand themselves and how society understands them?
Instructor(s): O. Bashkin, A. Heo Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing
Equivalent Course(s): JWSC 26215, RLST 20231, NEHC 20585
BPRO 25500. Art and Human Rights. 100 Units.
This seminar-style course will explore historical and contemporary interventions in visual and performative artistic practices with human rights. Co-taught by a historian and theater-maker, the course will consider various paradigms for looking at how artists work on human rights. Course work will include critical readings, viewings of artistic work, and direct conversations with artists. Students will also participate in a multi-day summit on campus (April 29-May 2) that will bring distinguished artists from throughout the world to address the question "What is an artistic practice of human rights, conceptually, aesthetically and pragmatically?" Students will be given the option to produce either an academic or artistic final project.
Instructor(s): M. Bradley, L. Buxbaum Danzig Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third or fourth-year standing
Equivalent Course(s): HMRT 25502, HIST 29906, TAPS 25510, ARTV 20009
BPRO 25600. How Does It Feel to Be an Outlier? Narratives of Medical 'Otherness'. 100 Units.
Ideas of what is "normal" and what is "different" are fundamental organizing concepts in scientific and humanistic thinking. Writers in both the sciences and the humanities use these concepts particularly when constructing narratives about how individuals experience selfhood and the world. This course examines a body of writings that depict the lives of those who identify, or are identified, as outliers. Students will approach this topic through medical case studies; through autobiographies and biographies about the experience of being physical or mental exceptions; and through writings by and about doctors, patients, medical researchers, and people who are the subjects of medical research.
How do scientists, biographers, journalists, and others capture the experience of being different? What are the aims of outlier narratives? What ethical questions surround these writings? How do such narratives underscore or undercut concepts of what is "normal" and what is "different"?
In addition to surveying the landscape of outlier literature, students will research and write an outlier narrative in the form of a medical case study, biography, journalistic profile, or memoir.
Instructor(s): P. Mason, N. Titone Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third or fourth-year standing.
Equivalent Course(s): ENGL 45613, ENGL 25613
BPRO 25700. What Does it Mean to be Free to Speak? 100 Units.
The idea of freedom of speech possesses tremendous political and cultural power in global discourses about what it means to live a good life in a good society. It is considered an indispensable precondition for the flourishing of the sciences and the arts, as well as for the proper functioning of democracy. Courts interpret freedom of speech as one of the core liberal rights. Public and private institutions like the University of Chicago proclaim a commitment to freedom of speech. And claims about the importance of freedom of speech pepper public discourse. But what does it mean to be free to speak? This course will explore this question historically, philosophically, and ethnographically. Students will learn about the fundamental sociality of human beings and think collectively about the implications that the indissoluble and necessary entanglement with others has for developing an inner life, the generation of ideas, and the willingness to articulate these ideas within various social contexts. Students will also learn about the different ways in which freedom of speech and thought has been understood over time, and the concrete political and social struggles that have shaped the development of ideas about freedom of speech. Class discussion will also explore how institutional arrangements shape ideas and practices of free speech.
Instructor(s): A. Glaeser, G. Lakier Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): PQ: Third- or fourth-year standing
Equivalent Course(s): SOCI 20528, SOCI 30528
BPRO 25800. Are we doomed? Confronting the End of the World. 100 Units.
We may be at a pivotal point in human history, with civilization facing unprecedented threats including nuclear Armageddon, climate change, and pandemics. This class will explore our potential for self-inflicted catastrophe, as well as approaches for mitigating these perils. We will consider this through readings and engagement with a range of speakers focused on various imminent perils, from the perspective of a wide range of disciplinary perspectives, including sociology, philosophy, theology, anthropology, statistics, physics, astrophysics, economics, law, business, and the arts.
Instructor(s): D. Holz, J. Evans Terms Offered: Winter. Not offered in AY 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): PQ: Third- or fourth-year standing
Equivalent Course(s): ASTR 21700, SOCI 30531, KNOW 21700, ANTH 25800, SOCI 20531
BPRO 26030. The Nuclear Age. 100 Units.
Seventy-five years ago a group of scientists launched the first sustained nuclear chain reaction, commonly known as CP-1, at the University of Chicago under Stagg Field. This course will be part of the commemoration and reflection taking place across the University this fall. Its goal will be to explore the ensuing Nuclear Age from different disciplinary perspectives by organizing a ring-lecture. Each week's lecture, delivered by faculty from fields across the university (for instance, Physics, Biomedicine, Anthropology, and English), will be followed by a discussion section to synthesize and integrate not only the material from the weekly lectures, but the many events happening at the University this fall. CP-1 was not only a scientific achievement of the highest magnitude, but also a civilization-changing event that remains at the boundary of the thinkable.
Instructor(s): D. L. Nelson Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Second, third, or fourth-year standing.
Equivalent Course(s): ENGL 26030, HIST 25424, SIGN 26031
BPRO 26050. Memory, Commemoration & Mourning. 100 Units.
This course focuses on the manner in which we make use of the past, the personal past, the collective past, and the place of social and historical change in retelling and rewriting life-history and history. The course begins with a discussion of memory, conceptions of the personal and historic past, and such related issues as nostalgia, mourning, and the significance of commemoration in monument and ritual. These issues are explored in a number of topics such as twentieth-century war memorials, high school and college reunions, and the Holocaust and its representation in contemporary European society.
Instructor(s): Staff Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Equivalent Course(s): RLST 28102, AASR 30001, CHDV 27102, FNDL 23312, PSYC 25450
BPRO 26300. Globalization: History and Theory. 100 Units.
This course makes sense of globalization as a historical phenomenon focusing primarily on the long twentieth century, but with a look back into the "deep history" of the making of the contemporary world. While the course has a theoretical bent, it should be taken as an introduction into modern history. It has three goals in particular: (1) It introduces the main concepts and theories of globalization. (2) It explores key moments, processes, and events in the annals of globalization. (3) It highlights the nature of contentions over the terms of global order.
Instructor(s): M. Geyer, Staff Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing
Equivalent Course(s): HIST 29901
BPRO 26400. Movies and Madness. 100 Units.
We propose to investigate representations of madness in fictional, documentary, and experimental film. We divide the topic this way to emphasize the different dimensions of cinematic address to questions of mental illness, and the ways that film genres imply distinct formal and epistemological conventions for the representation of insanity. Documentary ranges from instructional and neutral reportage, to polemical, essayistic interventions in the politics of psychiatry and the asylum, the actual conditions of mental illness in real historical moments. Documentary also includes the tendency in new media for "the mad" to represent themselves in a variety of media. With experimental film, our aim will be to explore the ways that the cinematic medium can simulate experiences of mania, delirium, hallucination, obsession, depression, etc., inserting the spectator into the subject position of madness. We will explore the ways that film techniques such as shot-matching, voice-over, montage, and special effects of audio-visual manipulation function to convey dream sequences, altered states of consciousness, ideational or perceptual paradoxes, and extreme emotional states. Finally, narrative film we think of as potentially synthesizing these two strands of cinematic practice, weaving representations of actual, possible, or probable situations with the special effects of mad subjectivity. Our emphasis with narrative film will be to focus-not simply on the mentally ill subject as hero.
Instructor(s): W. J. T. Mitchell, J. Hoffman Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing
Equivalent Course(s): CMST 35550, ARTH 26905, ARTV 36411, ENGL 28703, ARTH 36905, CMST 25550, ARTV 26411, ENGL 38703
BPRO 26500. Picturing Words/Writing Images (Studio) 100 Units.
What is the relationship between reading and looking? Images in mind and images on paper-words in mind and on the page-we will explore the intersection of these different ways to think, read, and look, as we make poems, drawings, paintings, etc., in class. We will investigate the problem of representing language as it is expressed in the work produced in class. Studying works by contemporary visual artists like Jenny Holzer and Ann Hamilton, and practicing poets such as Susan Howe and Tom Phillips will inform our investigation. The course will feature visits to our studio by contemporary poets and visual artists, who will provide critiques of student work and discussion of their own ongoing projects. These visitors will help to frame our artistic and literary practice within the ongoing conversation between word and image in modern culture. We will ask, what are the cognitive, phenomenological, social, and aesthetic consequences of foregrounding the pictorial/visual aspect of alphabetical characters? (C, H)
Instructor(s): J. Stockholder, S. Reddy Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing. Previous experience in an arts studio or creative writing course recommended, but not required.
Equivalent Course(s): ENGL 24319, ENGL 34319, ARTV 26901, CRWR 26341, ARTV 36901, CRWR 46341
BPRO 26600. Antonioni's Films: Reality and Ambiguity. 100 Units.
In this in-depth study of several Antonioni films, our eye is on understanding his view of reality and the elements of ambiguity that pervade all of his films. Together, as a film scholar and physicist, we bring out these aspects of his work together with his unique cinematic contributions. This course introduces students to this poet of the cinema and the relevance of Antonioni's themes to their own studies and their own lives.
Instructor(s): Staff Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third or fourth-year standing
Equivalent Course(s): CMST 26801, HUMA 26600, ARTH 28904
BPRO 26700. Mythical History, Paradigmatic Figures: Caesar, Augustus, Charlemagne, Napoleon. 100 Units.
What is the process by which some historical figures take on mythical proportions? This course examines four case studies of conquerors who attained sovereign power in times of war (conquest, civil war, revolution), who had a foundational role in empire-building, and who consciously strove to link themselves to the divine and transcendent. Their immense but ambiguous legacies persist to this day. Although each is distinct as a historical individual, taken together they merge to form a paradigm of the exceptional leader of epic proportions. Each models himself on exemplary predecessors: each invokes and reinvents myths of origin and projects himself as a model for the future. Basic themes entail mythic history, empire, the exceptional figure, modernity's fascination with antiquity, and the paradox of the imitability of the inimitable.
Instructor(s): M. Lowrie, R. Morrissey Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing
Equivalent Course(s): FNDL 22912, CLCV 26713, FREN 26701, CLAS 36713, FREN 36701, SCTH 30411
BPRO 26750. Anxiety. 100 Units.
The phenomenon of anxiety emerged as one of the leading psychological disorders of the 20th and 21st centuries. Worrying ourselves into the realm of the pathological, we now have a requisite measure of anxiety for every prescribed stage of life. But why are we so anxious? Considering its prevalence in everyday life, the concept and theories of anxiety have been employed surprisingly seldom as a way into film, fiction, and art. In this course we examine the modern origin of contemporary discourses specific to anxiety and their unique manifestation in cultural artifacts. To understand the complex of anxiety in the so-called Western world, we rely on the theories of Søren Kierkegaard, Martin Heidegger, Sigmund Freud, Jacques Lacan, and Alenka Zupančič; fiction by Stoker, Schnitzler, Kafka, and Sebald; and film by Haneke, Kubrick, Ophuls, and Hitchcock. We will also have guest speakers from the fields of clinical psychiatry, geriatric medicine, philosophy, and comparative anthropology.
Instructor(s): M. Sternstein, A. Flannery Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing
Note(s): English majors: This course fulfills the Theory (H) distribution requirement.
Equivalent Course(s): GRMN 26715, MAPH 36750, ENGL 24260
BPRO 26800. How Literature Thinks: Contemporary Writers on Big Problems. 100 Units.
Big Problems" have affective dimensions that not only complicate our thinking about issues like climate change or income inequality but pose "big problems" of their own: apathy, depression, boredom, paranoia. Literature invites us to reflect on these affective states and their social repercussions while also expanding the forms of feeling and knowing available to us. How do novels, poems, and memoirs explore the connections between emotion, understanding, and individual and collective action? Can criticism help us to see those connections? In this course, we will read the work of contemporary writers who explore a variety of pressing questions. Authors will include celebrated novelists and poets visiting the University, University of Chicago faculty in Creative Writing, and award-winning local authors. These writers will visit our class to share their views on how literature "thinks" in generative ways. Readings of contemporary novels, poetry, and nonfiction will be supplemented by theoretical texts that illuminate the affective, epistemological, and political dimensions of artistic responses to social crises. Assignments will include both creative and critical writing exercises, attendance at literary events, and a final (creative, critical, or creative/critical hybrid) project. No prior creative writing experience is required.
Instructor(s): S. Reddy, S. Ngai Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): PQ: Third- or fourth-year standing
Equivalent Course(s): ENGL 28660, ENGL 38660
BPRO 26880. Border Crossings: Reading and Making the Literature of Migration. 100 Units.
In this Big Problems course on the literature of migration, students will analyze and create narratives about human beings moving across time and place, crossing borders both literal and metaphorical. We will consider the lives, perspectives, and voices of characters who are forged and re-forged by their cultural, linguistic, and familial contexts. Migration itself represents a physical relocation; writing about migration both expresses and requires an intellectual relocation. We will examine carefully questions of audience: for whom does the literature of migration exist, other members of migrant communities? Hosts? Both? What are the motivations for the work; does the literature of migration accelerate a sense of belonging, issue challenges, create a new form of hybrid identity? Does it keep a record that's retrospective about the past, and/or contain in its very language the present tense? What does it ask or suggest about our future?
This is a multi-genre course, in which we will read fiction, poetry, and non-fiction about migration. Students will write both critical and creative projects, and research will be a key component of the course, making use of nearby archives and guest visits. Weekly readings include texts from Euripides' Medea to Wilkerson's The Warmth of Other Suns, and will guide our consideration not only of how to read the literature of migration, but also of how to tie research into critical and creative projects on migration.
Instructor(s): M. Ellmann, R. DeWoskin Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing
Equivalent Course(s): ENGL 26880, JWSC 26880, ENGL 46880
BPRO 27000. Perspectives on Imaging. 100 Units.
Taught by an imaging scientist and an art historian, this course explores scientific, artistic, and cultural aspects of imaging from the earliest attempts to enhance and capture visual stimuli through the emergence of virtual reality systems in the late twentieth century. Topics include the development of early optical instruments (e.g., microscopes, telescopes), the invention of linear perspective, the discovery of means to visualize the invisible within the body, and the recent emergence of new media. We also consider the problem of instrumentally mediated seeing in the arts and sciences and its social implications for our image-saturated contemporary world.
Instructor(s): P. La Riviere, Staff Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third or fourth-year standing
Note(s): This course does not meet requirements for the biological sciences major.
Equivalent Course(s): ARTH 36900, HIPS 24801, CMST 37300, BIOS 02927, CMST 27300, ARTH 26900
BPRO 27500. Reimagining Our Future: Past, Present & Future of Campus-Neighborhood Relations. 100 Units.
The history, current status, and future of three neighborhoods adjacent to campus (Hyde Park, Washington Park, and Woodlawn) are the focus of this ground-breaking course that could not be offered at a more pivotal time. How have these neighborhoods and their relationship with campus evolved, what is their character and current status as healthy communities, and what actionable propositions are in play or could be considered for continued revitalization and positive campus interaction? Given that change on the horizon is inevitable, how best to protect current residents from displacement or other negative consequences?
Instructor(s): P. Sereno, C. Skrable Terms Offered: Spring. May be offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): PQ: third or fourth-year standing. Students should opt into a discussion section that fits their schedule.
Equivalent Course(s): PARR 27500, RDIN 27500, PBPL 27500, CHST 27500
BPRO 27600. Creation and Creativity. 100 Units.
This seminar explores several creation stories from anthropological, literary, philosophical, and psychological perspectives. We compare the accounts of the beginning in Genesis, Hesiod's Theogony, Ovid's Metamorphoses, Bhagavad Gita, the Maya's Popol Vuh, and other sources, including Native American ones. We explore the ways cosmic creation has been imagined in world culture. We also delineate human literary creativity and ask about the relationship between individual creativity and the cultural myths of creation. We consider at least one modern theory of the beginning of the universe.
Instructor(s): Staff Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third or fourth-year standing
Equivalent Course(s): ANTH 27610
BPRO 27800. Science and Christianity. 100 Units.
Both Christianity and science have had a critical impact on the development of Western society. Can they continue to flourish, enriching each other, or are they fundamentally at odds and in competition? This seminar will examine the major points of potential tension and synergy between science and Christianity, with the goal of open discussion and an eye on helping students develop their own ideas. We will consider themes such as evolution, extraterrestrial intelligence, consciousness, and particulars of the Christian faith.
Instructor(s): D. Abbot, D. Fabrycky, L. Schweitz. Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing
Equivalent Course(s): RLST 27801
BPRO 27900. Climate Change in Media and Design. 100 Units.
If meteorological data and models show us that climate change is real, art and literature explore what it means for our collective human life. This is the premise of many recent films, novels, and artworks that ask how a changing climate will affect human society. In this course, we will examine the aesthetics of climate change across media, in order to understand how narrative, image, and even sound help us witness a planetary disaster that is often imperceptible. Rather than merely analyzing or theorizing various futures, this course will prepare students in hands-on methods of "speculative design" and "critical making." Each Tuesday, we will study how art and literature draw on the specific capacities of written and visual media to represent climate impacts, and how new humanities research is addressing climate change. Each Thursday, we will participate in short artistic exercises that explore futures of each area. These exercises include future object design, bodymapping and story circles, tabletop gameplay, and serious game design. Throughout the quarter, guest speakers from across the humanities, sciences, and social sciences will visit the class to speak about how their disciplines are working to understand and mitigate climate impacts. The most substantial work of the quarter will be an ambitious multimedia or transmedia project about one of the core course topics to be completed in a team.
Instructor(s): P. Jagoda, B. Morgan Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing
Equivalent Course(s): ENGL 27904, MADD 21900, ENST 27900, CEGU 27900, CMST 27814
BPRO 28000. Terror, Religion, and Aesthetics. 100 Units.
Through our contemporary experiences of terrorist acts, we apprehend the no-citizens' land of life without a social contract, of the violent "state of nature" among people. In varied genres (e.g., poems, plays, novels, memoirs, essays), we engage with the transformative powers of diverse aesthetics (e.g., catharsis, the sublime, theatre of cruelty, realism, fable, satire) and of religious faiths (e.g., deism, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, Sufism, Buddhism) to counteract terror and redeploy our civil status in society.
Instructor(s): M. Browning, Staff Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing
Equivalent Course(s): RLST 23401, HMRT 28801
BPRO 28100. What is Enlightenment? 100 Units.
What is enlightenment? How does one become enlightened, and who is enlightened? In Euro-American civilization, the eighteenth-century Age of Enlightenment championed the powers of human reason against religion and superstition to achieve scientific progress. Buddhism in the nineteenth century was represented by the heirs of Enlightenment as a religion for the Enlightenment to the point of not being a religion at all. Both traditions offer pathways to freedom (or liberation?) that draw on our rational capabilities, and both sponsor the production of knowledge that re-visions our place in the world. But they seem to be opposed: how could reason reject "religious" beliefs but also take part in "religious" traditions that aim to bring certain kinds of persons into being? We compare the mental models, discourses, methods of analysis, world-images, and practices of these traditions of enlightenment to assess the kinds of disciplines that their theoreticians and practitioners acquire and use.
Instructor(s): M. Browning, Staff Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing
Equivalent Course(s): HUMA 28109, RLST 23403, SALC 27601
BPRO 28200. Narrating Migration. 100 Units.
Human migration is one of the most pressing global problems of our time, though it is not a new phenomenon. It has shaped societies throughout time, and the degree to which it is perceived as a "problem" or an "opportunity" changes radically according to circumstances and ideologies. In this course, we will analyze the different ways in which migration has been perceived, understood, and experienced. We will focus on two intense episodes in the global history of migration: migration from early nineteenth-century Britain; and migration to late 20th and 21st-century America. Our emphasis throughout will be on the ways in which migration is narrated: the stories that societies tell about the migration of themselves and others. We will cover a wide range of migration narratives, including those of creative writers and artists, and will consider them through the lenses of literary criticism, history, theory, and also artistic practice itself.
Instructor(s): J. Mcdonagh, V. Tran Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third or fourth-year standing
Equivalent Course(s): ENGL 28200
BPRO 28500. Sex and Ethics. 100 Units.
Sex is a big problem. How do we think about sex in proximity to considering the ethics of risk, harm, and the potential for good? Developing an account specifically of an ethics of sex requires thinking about the place of sex and sexual vulnerability in social life with an eye toward understanding what's good and what might count as abuses, violations, disruptions, or deprivations of specifically good things about sex. In popular discussion, for example, "consent" often demarcates ethically good sex from bad sex. This course inquires whether consent is an adequate metric for sexual ethics; if it is necessary or sufficient; if certain factors (e.g., age, gender, violence) vitiate its normative force; and whether its legal definition conflicts, coheres with, or contributes to its general cultural reception. These issues require us to think about the ways people do, do not, and cannot know what they're doing in sex, and complicate the aspiration to have an ethics in proximity to sex. This year's version of the course focuses on political theory/policy/popular scandal in relation to aesthetics and sex theory archives. We talk about sex in proximity to modes of comportment in love, scandal, prostitution, stranger intimacy, political freedom and discipline, impersonality, and experimentality.
Instructor(s): Staff Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing
Equivalent Course(s): ENGL 28500, GNSE 28502, PLSC 21901
BPRO 28800. From Fossils to Fermi's Paradox: Origin and Evolution of Intelligent Life. 100 Units.
The course approaches Fermi's question, "Are we alone in the universe?," in the light of recent evidence primarily from three fields: the history and evolution of life on Earth (paleontology), the meaning and evolution of complex signaling and intelligence (cognitive science), and the distribution, composition and conditions on planets and exoplanets (astronomy). We also review the history and parameters governing extrasolar detection and signaling. The aim of the course is to assess the interplay between convergence and contingency in evolution, the selective advantage of intelligence, and the existence and nature of life elsewhere in the universe - in order to better understand the meaning of human existence.
Instructor(s): P. Sereno; L. Rogers; S. London Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): PQ: Third or fourth-year standing. This course does not meet the requirements of the Biological Sciences major. Prerequisite(s) for BIOS 13142 only: BIOS 10130 or BIOS 10140. For BIOS 13142: NO BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES MAJORS OR NON-BIOLOGY PRE-MED STUDENTS, except by petition.
Equivalent Course(s): ASTR 18700, BIOS 13142, PSYC 28810
BPRO 28900. Inequality: Origins, Dimensions, and Policy. 100 Units.
For the last four decades, incomes in the United States and across the globe have grown more unequal. That fact has attracted worldwide attention from scholars, governments, religious figures, and public intellectuals. In this interdisciplinary course, participating faculty members drawn from across the University and invited guest speakers will trace and examine the sources and challenges of inequality and mobility in many of its dimensions, from economic, political, legal, biological, philosophical, public policy, and other perspectives. This course is part of the College Course Cluster program: Inequality.
Instructor(s): A. Sanderson and Staff Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing
Note(s): ECON 24720 or ECON 22410 may be used as an Economics elective, but only one of the two may be used toward Economics major requirements.
Equivalent Course(s): PBPL 28920, ECON 24720
BPRO 29000. Energy and Energy Policy. 100 Units.
This course shows how scientific constraints affect economic and other policy decisions regarding energy, what energy-based issues confront our society, how we may address them through both policy and scientific study, and how the policy and scientific aspects can and should interact. We address specific technologies, both those now in use and those under development, and the policy questions associated with each, as well as with more overarching aspects of energy policy that may affect several, perhaps many, technologies.
Instructor(s): Staff Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): PQ: Third- or fourth-year standing. For ECON majors who want ECON credit for this course (ECON 26800): PQ is ECON 20100.
Equivalent Course(s): ECON 26800, PPHA 39201, PSMS 39000, PBPL 29000, ENST 29000, CHSS 37502
BPRO 29200. Global Energy & Climate Challenge: Economics, Science & Policy. 100 Units.
The global energy and climate challenge is one of the most important and urgent problems society faces. Progress requires identifying approaches to ensure people have access to the inexpensive and reliable energy critical for human development, without causing disruptive climate change or unduly compromising health and the environment. The course pairs technical and economic analysis to develop an understanding of policy challenges in this area. Lecture topics will include the past, present, and future of energy supply and demand, global climate change, air pollution and its health consequences, selected energy technologies such as solar photovoltaics, nuclear power, unconventional oil and gas, and an analysis of theoretical and practical policy solutions in developed and emerging economies.
Instructor(s): M. Greenstone, J. Deutch Terms Offered: Not offered in 2024-2025
Prerequisite(s): PQ: Third- or fourth-year standing in the College.
Equivalent Course(s): PPHA 39905, ECON 26730, PBPL 29200, ENST 28220
BPRO 29520. Sustainability and Computing. 100 Units.
Once a darling of the economy, the computing industry has come under fire as "techlash" brings a spotlight to its negative environmental and societal impacts. We focus on understanding computing's environmental impact, and the productive and substantial (not greenwashing) actions that can be taken to reduce it. The objective of this course is to expose students to a sophisticated view of how computing affects the environment, and how it can become more sustainable through action in several dimensions, including technology invention and design, business/ecosystem structure, individual and government action. Students will be empowered with the intellectual tools to understand and act with insight on these issues in their professional careers.
Prerequisite(s): Students must be in their third or fourth year of study.
Note(s): This course may be used as a College elective, but not as a CS major elective.
Equivalent Course(s): CMSC 29520, CMSC 39520, ENST 29520, CEGU 29520
BPRO 29943. Diasporic Narratives and Memories. 100 Units.
Of the many emigrant communities in Chicago, Belarusians are the only group that does not yet have its own museum. Our course takes this lack as an opportunity to provide training for students to create a grassroots community-driven initiative that empirically develops a conceptual foundation for a new type of multi-ethnic museum of emigration, one informed by the experiences of community members themselves and their relationship to the artifacts that define their identities and memories. This course allows students to actively participate in a museum creation project which takes as its point of departure not a nation-state narrative, but the everyday life of a multi-ethnic community with the goal of informing research, policy, and public discourse about emigration. We center our course around the material heritage of Belarussia and its dispersal in emigration. We analyze how a diasporic museum's main role is to collect, protect and curate the material legacy of the Belarussian community to ensure its future stability. The course participants collaborate with the Chicago Studies Program, the NGO Belarusians in Chicago, and the Chicago History Museum to study the role of artifacts in museums. The students conduct the field work about multi-ethnic Belarusian emigration to include experiences of Belarusian Jews, Belarusian Russians, Belarusian Lithuanians, Belarusian Tatars, and other groups from Belarus.
Instructor(s): Olga Solovieva and Bozena Shallcross
Equivalent Course(s): KNOW 29943, HIPS 26943, CRES 29943, CMLT 29943, MAPH 39943, CHST 29943, REES 29950