Contacts | Program of Study | Program Requirements for the BS in Environmental Science | Summary of Requirements for the BS in Environmental Science | Lists of Elective Courses | List E-1: Physical and Biological Sciences | List E-2: Social Sciences | List E-3: Computational Sciences | Grading | Honors | Sample BS Programs | Courses

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Program of Study

The Department of the Geophysical Sciences offers a BS degree in Environmental Science. The program is intended for students whose interests fall at the intersection of biology, chemistry, and earth sciences, and is designed to prepare them to enter a variety of interdisciplinary fields in the environmental sciences, including the interface of environmental science and public policy. Students are given the opportunity to study such topics as the biogeochemical cycles, environmental chemistry, microbiology, ecology, the chemistry and dynamics of the ocean and atmosphere, climate change, and environmentally relevant aspects of economics and policy. Students are encouraged to participate in the Semester in Environmental Science at the Marine Biological Laboratory, and undergraduate research is also strongly encouraged.

Program Requirements for the BS in Environmental Science

The requirements for the BS degree in Environmental Science involve completion of:

  • six required courses that fulfill general education requirements for the physical sciences, biological sciences, and mathematics
  • seven required science or mathematics courses
  • eleven elective courses pertinent to the major from the electives lists below, which must include
    • four courses designated ENSC or GEOS
    • one course in Statistics, and two more in any of Mathematics, Statistics, or Computing
    • one to three courses in Social Science/Public Policy

Candidates for the BS in Environmental Science complete a year of chemistry, a year of mathematics (including Calculus I-II), and a year of biology (ENSC 24400 Ecology and Conservation, GEOS 27300 Biological Evolution-Advanced, and BIOS 20198 Biodiversity), as well as PHYS 13100 Mechanics or the equivalent. (Note that some advanced chemistry courses require further physics as a prerequisite.)

Students are encouraged to begin discipline-specific courses as early as possible. Required disciplinary courses include ENSC 13300 The Atmosphere, ENSC 23800 Global Biogeochemical Cycles, and ENSC 24400 Ecology and Conservation. (Note that ENSC 23800 Global Biogeochemical Cycles is typically offered every other year.) Of ENSC/GEOS science electives, one can be a field course, and one may be ENSC 29700 Reading and Research in Environmental Science. Students participating in the Semester in Environmental Science receive credit for four courses in environmental science (as explained in list E-1 below).

The major is designed to be flexible enough to accommodate students whose primary interests cover various aspects of environmental science. Sample course schedules below give examples of course plans appropriate to students focusing on climatology, conservation, and biogeochemistry. Students with a focus on policy questions may take up to three courses in social science/public policy. These courses are available through undergraduate programs in Economics, Public Policy Studies, and Environmental and Urban Studies, or through the Harris School of Public Policy.

Because analysis of data and mathematical modeling are fundamental to environmental science, the major requires six courses in quantitative methods: a year of mathematics, one course in statistics, and two additional courses in mathematics, statistics, or computing.

Note that while students taking calculus through the more introductory MATH 13000s sequence are encouraged to complete the third quarter of calculus, MATH 13300 Elementary Functions and Calculus III, in the higher tracks Calculus III (e.g., MATH 15300 Calculus III) is not specifically required or recommended, as the first two courses offer a sufficiently comprehensive calculus training for students to move on to other courses. Depending on the choice of electives, students may credit as many as nine Mathematics/Statistics/Computing courses toward the major.

Summary of Requirements for the BS in Environmental Science

One of the following sequences:200
Introductory General Chemistry I
   and Introductory General Chemistry II
Comprehensive General Chemistry I-II *
Honors General Chemistry I
   and Honors General Chemistry II
One of the following sequences:200
Elementary Functions and Calculus I-II *
Calculus I-II
Honors Calculus I-II
Both of the following: **200
Biological Evolution-Advanced %
Total Units600
ENSC 13300The Atmosphere100
ENSC 23800Global Biogeochemical Cycles100
ENSC 23900Environmental Chemistry100
ENSC 24400Ecology and Conservation100
CHEM 11300Comprehensive General Chemistry III *100
or CHEM 12300 Honors General Chemistry III
One of the following:100
General Physics I * ‡
Honors Mechanics
One of the following:100
Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences I
Abstract Linear Algebra
Introduction to Quantitative Modeling in Biology (Advanced)
Introduction to Quantitative Modeling in Biology
Elementary Functions and Calculus III *
Calculus III
Honors Calculus III
Eleven electives as follows:1100
Four courses designated ENSC or GEOS from List E-1: Physical and Biological Sciences
One course from List E-2: Social Sciences
Three courses from List E-3: Computational Sciences, of which one must be under the heading of Statistics
Three more courses from any of the elective lists, but only up to two of these may be from List E-2: Social Sciences
Total Units1800

Lists of Elective Courses

List E-1: Physical and Biological Sciences

Environmental Science

ENSC 21100Energy: Science, Technology, and Human Usage100
ENSC 23600Chemical Oceanography100
ENSC 23820Biogeochemical Analysis in Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems – Marine Biological Laboratory @100
ENSC 24000Geobiology100
ENSC 24100Ecology - Marine Biological Laboratory @100
ENSC 24200Methods in Microbial Ecology - Marine Biological Laboratory @100
or ENSC 24500 Environmental Microbiology
ENSC 24300Roles of Animals in Ecosystems – Marine Biological Laboratory @100
ENSC 25000Biological Oceanography ^100
ENSC 28100Quantitative Environmental Analyses – Marine Biological Laboratory100
ENSC 29700Reading and Research in Environmental Science100
ENSC 29800Independent Undergraduate Research in Environmental Sciences Marine Biological Laboratory @100

Field Courses in Environmental Science

The department sponsors field trips that range in length from one day to several weeks. Shorter field trips typically form part of lecture-based courses and are offered each year. (The trips are open to all students and faculty if space permits.) Longer trips are designed as undergraduate field courses, and one such course may be used as an elective science course for the major. Destinations of field courses have recently included Baja California and the Bahamas.

ENSC 29002Field Course in Modern and Ancient Environments100

Geophysical Sciences

GEOS 21000Mineralogy100
GEOS 21400Thermodynamics and Phase Change100
GEOS 22060What Makes a Planet Habitable?100
GEOS 22200Geochronology100
GEOS 22700Analytical Techniques in Geochemistry100
GEOS 23205Introductory Glaciology100
GEOS 24220Climate Foundations100
GEOS 24230Geophysical Fluid Dynamics: Foundations100
GEOS 24240Geophysical Fluid Dynamics: Rotation and Stratification100
GEOS 24250Geophysical Fluid Dynamics: Understanding the Motions of the Atmosphere and Oceans100
GEOS 24300Paleoclimatology100
GEOS 25400Intro to Numerical Techniques for Geophysical Sciences100
GEOS 26100Phylogenetics and the Fossil Record100
GEOS 26300Invertebrate Paleobiology and Evolution100
GEOS 28600Earth and Planetary Surface Processes100


CHEM 20100Inorganic Chemistry I100
CHEM 20200Organometallic Chemistry100
CHEM 22000Organic Chemistry I100
CHEM 22100Organic Chemistry II100
CHEM 22200Organic Chemistry III100
CHEM 23300Introduction to Chemical Biology *100
CHEM 26100Introductory Quantum Mechanics **100
CHEM 26200Thermodynamics100
CHEM 26300Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics100

Biology and Ecology***

BIOS 20200Introduction to Biochemistry100
BIOS 23232Ecology and Evolution in the Southwest100
BIOS 23252Field Ecology100
BIOS 23254Mammalian Ecology100
BIOS 23258Molecular Evolution I: Fundamentals and Principles100
BIOS 23266Evolutionary Adaptation100
BIOS 23289Marine Ecology100
BIOS 23404Reconstructing the Tree of Life: An Introduction to Phylogenetics100
BIOS 23406Biogeography100
BIOS 25206Fundamentals of Bacteria100
BIOS 27720Microbiomes Across Environments %100
BIOS 27723Biodiversity and Genomics: Exploring the Marine Animal Diversity of Woods Hole Using Molecular Tools %100
BIOS 27725Biogeography and Distribution of Species %100


PHYS 12200General Physics II 100
PHYS 12300General Physics III ‡ ^100
or PHYS 12400 General Physics III at MBL
PHYS 13200Electricity and Magnetism100
PHYS 13300Waves, Optics, and Heat100
PHYS 14200Honors Electricity and Magnetism100
PHYS 14300Honors Waves, Optics, and Heat100
PHYS 18500Intermediate Mechanics100
PHYS 22500Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism I100
PHYS 22600Electronics100
PHYS 22700Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism II100

List E-2: Social Sciences

Microeconomics Foundations

Students may take one of the following:
ECON 10000Principles of Microeconomics100
ECON 20000The Elements of Economic Analysis I *100
ECON 20100The Elements of Economic Analysis II *100
PBPL 20000Economics for Public Policy100
PPHA 32300Principles of Microeconomics and Public Policy I *100
PPHA 32400Principles of Microeconomics for Public Policy II *100

Other Social Science Electives

(Note that many courses below require microeconomics as a prerequisite)

ECON 10200Principles of Macroeconomics100
ENST 23550Urban Ecology and the Nature of Cities100
ENST 24102Environmental Politics100
ENST 28220Global Energy & Climate Challenge: Economics, Science & Policy100
PBPL 23100Environmental Law100
PBPL 24701U.S. Environmental Policy100
PBPL 26530Environment, Agriculture, and Food: Economic and Policy Analysis100
PPHA 36930Environmental Economics: Theory and Applications100
PPHA 38900Environmental Science/Policy100

List E-3: Computational Sciences

Semester in Environmental Science/MBL

ENSC 28100Quantitative Environmental Analyses – Marine Biological Laboratory *100


MATH 15300Calculus III100
or MATH 16300 Honors Calculus III
MATH 15910Introduction to Proofs in Analysis100
or STAT 24300 Numerical Linear Algebra
MATH 18300Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences I100
MATH 18400Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences II100
MATH 18500Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences III100
MATH 20300Analysis in Rn I100
MATH 20400Analysis in Rn II100
MATH 20500Analysis in Rn III100
MATH 21100Basic Numerical Analysis100
MATH 20250Abstract Linear Algebra100
BIOS 20152Introduction to Quantitative Modeling in Biology (Advanced)100
or BIOS 20151 Introduction to Quantitative Modeling in Biology
BIOS 26210Mathematical Methods for Biological Sciences I100
BIOS 26211Mathematical Methods for Biological Sciences II100


Students may take any course in statistics at the 22000 level or higher, but recommended courses are shown below. Some courses require one of the first three as a prerequisite.
Students may take one of the following:
PPHA 31200Mathematical Statistics for Public Policy I ‡ ~ ^100
PPHA 31300Mathematical Statistics for Public Policy II ‡ ~ ^100
STAT 22000Statistical Methods and Applications §§ ^100
STAT 23400Statistical Models and Methods ‡‡ ^100
STAT 24400Statistical Theory and Methods I §100
STAT 24500Statistical Theory and Methods II §100
STAT 22400Applied Regression Analysis100
STAT 22600Analysis of Categorical Data100
STAT 26100Time Dependent Data100
PPHA 34600Program Evaluation100
The 30000 (and above) level courses listed below are a joint offering of the Department of Statistics and the Department of Public Health Sciences, and may be suitable for Environmental Science majors.
STAT 31900Introduction to Causal Inference100
STAT 35800Statistical Applications100
STAT 36900Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis100


CMSC 14100Introduction to Computer Science I100
CMSC 14200Introduction to Computer Science II100
CMSC 23710Scientific Visualization100

Geographic Information Systems

GISC 28200Spatial Analysis Methods in Geographic Information Systems100
GISC 28300Topics in Geographic Information Science100
GISC 28702Introduction to GIS and Spatial Analysis100


Students majoring in Environmental Science must receive quality grades in all courses taken to meet requirements in the major.


The BS degree with honors is awarded to students who meet the following requirements: (1) a GPA of 3.25 or higher in the major and of 3.0 or higher overall; (2) completion of a paper based on original research, supervised and approved by a faculty member in geophysical sciences; (3) an oral presentation of the thesis research. All theses will be examined by the supervisor and a second reader from the faculty. Manuscript drafts will generally be due in the sixth week of the quarter in which the student will graduate (fifth week in Summer Quarter), and final manuscripts and oral presentations in the eighth week (seventh week in Summer Quarter).

Students are strongly encouraged to reach out to potential faculty supervisors no later than their third year, since theses generally arise out of research projects already begun with faculty members. When a thesis topic is determined, students should notify the undergraduate adviser of their intent to complete a thesis and confirm their eligibility. ENSC 29700 Reading and Research in Environmental Science can be devoted to the preparation of the required paper; however, students using this course to meet a requirement in the major must take it for a quality grade.

Students who wish to submit a single paper to meet the honors requirement in Environmental Science and the BA paper requirement in another major should discuss their proposals with the undergraduate advisers from both programs no later than the end of third year. Certain requirements must be met. A consent form, to be signed by the undergraduate advisers, is available from the College adviser. It must be completed and returned to the College adviser by the end of Autumn Quarter of the student's year of graduation.

Sample BS Programs

Each student will design an individual plan of course work, choosing from a wide range of selections that take advantage of rich offerings from a variety of subdisciplines. The sample programs that appear below are merely for the purpose of illustration; many other variations would be possible. NOTE: Courses that meet general education requirements and are required for the major are not listed.

Environmental Geochemistry

ENSC 23820Biogeochemical Analysis in Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems – Marine Biological Laboratory100
ENSC 28100Quantitative Environmental Analyses – Marine Biological Laboratory100
ENSC 29800Independent Undergraduate Research in Environmental Sciences Marine Biological Laboratory100
BIOS 20200Introduction to Biochemistry100
BIOS 26210Mathematical Methods for Biological Sciences I100
BIOS 26211Mathematical Methods for Biological Sciences II100
CHEM 22000Organic Chemistry I100
CHEM 22100Organic Chemistry II100
PBPL 20000Economics for Public Policy100
STAT 22000Statistical Methods and Applications100

Environmental Microbiology

ENSC 23820Biogeochemical Analysis in Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems – Marine Biological Laboratory100
ENSC 24000Geobiology100
ENSC 24100Ecology - Marine Biological Laboratory100
ENSC 24200Methods in Microbial Ecology - Marine Biological Laboratory100
ENSC 24500Environmental Microbiology100
ENSC 29800Independent Undergraduate Research in Environmental Sciences Marine Biological Laboratory100
BIOS 23404Reconstructing the Tree of Life: An Introduction to Phylogenetics100
BIOS 25206Fundamentals of Bacteria100
BIOS 26210Mathematical Methods for Biological Sciences I100
BIOS 26211Mathematical Methods for Biological Sciences II100
PBPL 20000Economics for Public Policy100
STAT 22000Statistical Methods and Applications100

Environmental Science and Public Policy

ENSC 21100Energy: Science, Technology, and Human Usage100
ENSC 29002Field Course in Modern and Ancient Environments100
BIOS 23406Biogeography100
ENST 21800Economics and Environmental Policy100
PPHA 32300Principles of Microeconomics and Public Policy I100
PPHA 32400Principles of Microeconomics for Public Policy II100
STAT 22400Applied Regression Analysis100

Environmental Science Courses

ENSC 13300. The Atmosphere. 100 Units.

This course introduces the physics, chemistry, and phenomenology of the Earth's atmosphere, with an emphasis on the fundamental science that underlies atmospheric behavior and climate. Topics include (1) atmospheric composition, evolution, and structure; (2) solar and terrestrial radiation in the atmospheric energy balance; (3) the role of water in determining atmospheric structure; and (4) wind systems, including the global circulation, and weather systems. Preference will be given to Geosci and Environmental Sci majors/prospective majors. If you are a prospective major, please include this information in your consent request.

Instructor(s): T. Shaw; N. Nakamura     Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): MATH 13100-MATH 13200
Equivalent Course(s): ENST 13300, GEOS 13300

ENSC 13400. Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast. 100 Units.

The future of human civilization depends on its ability to avoid, or adapt to, climate change associated with fossil-fuel (carbon) emissions. With so much at stake, it is important that citizens of the world understand the science which forms the foundation of what is understood about global climate change. The learning objectives of this course are to develop understanding of: (1) the historical and pre-historical records of global climate change, (2) the Earth's carbon budget, (3) how the greenhouse effect determines temperature in Earth's atmosphere and at the land and sea surface, (4) how climate projections are made, and (5) how present-day activities, both in the scientific research realm and in the socio-economic/political realm are shaping what will happen in the future. Course activity is partitioned into lectures (given by the course instructor), weekly laboratory-section activity (run by graduate teaching assistants), outside reading, and occasional homework. Assessment leading to a course grade will focus primarily on student performance in completing laboratory exercises and on a midterm and final exam. (L)

Instructor(s): D. MacAyeal     Terms Offered: Autumn
Equivalent Course(s): GEOS 13400, PHSC 13400, ENST 12300

ENSC 13410. Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast (Flipped Class) 100 Units.

This course presents the science behind the forecast of global warming to enable the student to evaluate the likelihood and potential severity of anthropogenic climate change in the coming centuries. It includes an overview of the physics of the greenhouse effect, including comparisons with Venus and Mars; predictions and reliability of climate model forecasts of the greenhouse world. This course is part of the College Course Cluster program, Climate Change, Culture, and Society. This course covers the same material as PHSC 13400, but is organized using a flipped classroom approach in order to increase student engagement and learning.

Instructor(s): D. Abbot     Terms Offered: Autumn Spring
Prerequisite(s): Some knowledge of chemistry or physics helpful.
Equivalent Course(s): ENST 13410, GEOS 13410, PHSC 13410

ENSC 21100. Energy: Science, Technology, and Human Usage. 100 Units.

This course covers the technologies by which humans appropriate energy for industrial and societal use, from steam turbines to internal combustion engines to photovoltaics. We also discuss the physics and economics of the resulting human energy system: fuel sources and relationship to energy flows in the Earth system; and modeling and simulation of energy production and use. Our goal is to provide a technical foundation for students interested in careers in the energy industry or in energy policy. Field trips required to major energy converters (e.g., coal-fired and nuclear power plants, oil refinery, biogas digester) and users (e.g., steel, fertilizer production). This course is part of the College Course Cluster program: Climate Change, Culture and Society.

Instructor(s): E. Moyer     Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): Knowledge of physics or consent of instructor
Equivalent Course(s): GEOS 34705, CEGU 24705, ENST 24705, GEOS 24705

ENSC 23600. Chemical Oceanography. 100 Units.

This course explores the chemistry of the ocean system and its variations in space and time. The oceans play an essential role in most (bio)geochemical cycles, interacting in various ways with the atmosphere, sediments, and crust. These interactions can be understood through studying the geochemical and isotopic properties of the ocean, its inputs and outputs, and its evolution as recorded in marine sediments and sedimentary rocks. Topics include: the marine carbon cycle, nutrient cycling, chemical sediments, and hydrothermal systems.

Instructor(s): C. Blättler     Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): Completion of one of the following Chemistry Sequences: CHEM 10100-10200-11300 Introductory General Chemistry I-II; Comprehensive General Chemistry III or CHEM 11100-11200-11300 Comprehensive General Chemistry I-II-III or CHEM 12100-12200-12300 Honors General Chemistry I-II-III AND either GEOS 13100 or GEOS 13200.
Equivalent Course(s): GEOS 23600, CHEM 23600, GEOS 33600

ENSC 23800. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 100 Units.

This survey course covers the geochemistry of the surface of the Earth, focusing on biological and geological processes that shape the distributions of chemical species in the atmosphere, oceans, and terrestrial habitats. Budgets and cycles of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorous, and sulfur are discussed, as well as chemical fundamentals of metabolism, weathering, acid-base and dissolution equilibria, and isotopic fractionation. The course examines the central role that life plays in maintaining the chemical disequilibria that characterize Earth's surface environments. The course also explores biogeochemical cycles change (or resist change) over time, as well as the relationships between geochemistry, biological (including human) activity, and Earth's climate.

Instructor(s): J. Waldbauer     Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): CHEM 11100-11200 or consent of instructor
Equivalent Course(s): GEOS 33800, GEOS 23800

ENSC 23820. Biogeochemical Analysis in Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems – Marine Biological Laboratory. 100 Units.

This course examines the interface of biological processes with chemical processes in ecological systems. Course content emphasizes aquatic chemistry and the role of microbes in the cycling of nitrogen, carbon, and other elements. Effects of global changes on chemical cycling are emphasized.

Instructor(s): Marine Biological Laboratory Staff.     Terms Offered: Autumn. L.
Prerequisite(s): Consent only. Admission by application to the Semester in Environmental Science program at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA; concurrent registration in BIOS 27710 and BIOS 27712 along with one of BIOS 27713, BIOS 27714 or BIOS 27715.
Note(s): E.
Equivalent Course(s): BIOS 27711

ENSC 23900. Environmental Chemistry. 100 Units.

The focus of this course is the fundamental science underlying issues of local and regional scale pollution. In particular, the lifetimes of important pollutants in the air, water, and soils are examined by considering the roles played by photochemistry, surface chemistry, biological processes, and dispersal into the surrounding environment. Specific topics include urban air quality, water quality, long-lived organic toxins, heavy metals, and indoor air pollution. Control measures are also considered. This course is part of the College Course Cluster program: Climate Change, Culture, and Society.

Instructor(s): D. Archer     Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): CHEM 11100-11200 or equivalent, and prior calculus course
Equivalent Course(s): GEOS 23900, ENST 23900, GEOS 33900

ENSC 24000. Geobiology. 100 Units.

Geobiology seeks to elucidate the interactions between life and its environments that have shaped the coevolution of the Earth and the biosphere. The course will explore the ways in which biological processes affect the environment and how the evolutionary trajectories of organisms have in turn been influenced by environmental change. In order to reconstruct the history of these processes, we will examine the imprints they leave on both the rock record and on the genomic makeup of living organisms. The metabolism and evolution of microorganisms, and the biogeochemistry they drive, will be a major emphasis.

Instructor(s): M. Coleman, J. Waldbauer
Prerequisite(s): GEOS 13100-13200-13300 or college-level cell & molecular biology
Equivalent Course(s): GEOS 26600, GEOS 36600

ENSC 24100. Ecology - Marine Biological Laboratory. 100 Units.

This course examines the structure and functioning of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems including the application of basic principles of community and ecosystem ecology. The course also examines contemporary environmental problems such as the impacts of global and local environmental change on community composition and food webs within forest, grassland, marsh and nearshore coastal ecosystems on Cape Cod. This course examines the structure and functioning of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems including the application of basic principles of community and ecosystem ecology. The course also examines contemporary environmental problems such as the impacts of global and local environmental change on community composition and food webs within forest, grassland, marsh and nearshore coastal ecosystems on Cape Cod.

Instructor(s): Marine Biological Laboratory Staff     Terms Offered: Autumn. L.
Prerequisite(s): Consent only. Admission by application to the Semester in Environmental Science program at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA; concurrent registration in BIOS 27711 and BIOS 27712 along with one of BIOS 27713, BIOS 27714 or BIOS 27715.
Note(s): E.
Equivalent Course(s): BIOS 27710

ENSC 24200. Methods in Microbial Ecology - Marine Biological Laboratory. 100 Units.

This course explores the biology of microbes found in the environment, including relationships with the physical, chemical, and biotic elements of their environment. Emphasis is placed on understanding the science underlying the various methodologies used in the study of these organisms and systems. In the laboratory, students will work with the latest techniques to measure microbial biomass, activity, extracellular enzymes, and biogeochemical processes. Students are also introduced to molecular methods for assessing microbial genomic diversity.

Instructor(s): Marine Biological Laboratory Staff     Terms Offered: Autumn. L.
Prerequisite(s): Consent only. Admission by application to the Semester in Environmental Science program at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA; concurrent registration in BIOS 27710, BIOS 27711 and BIOS 27712.
Note(s): E.
Equivalent Course(s): BIOS 27714

ENSC 24300. Roles of Animals in Ecosystems – Marine Biological Laboratory. 100 Units.

This course addresses the question, How do animals, including man, affect the structure and function of ecosystems. The course takes an interdisciplinary approach focused on the interactions of animal diversity, migration patterns, population dynamics, and behavior with biogeochemical cycles, productivity, and transport of materials across ecosystems. This course is an elective option within the Semester in Environmental Science program at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA.

Instructor(s): Marine Biological Laboratory Staff     Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): Consent only. Admission by application to the Semester in Environmental Science program at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA; concurrent registration in BIOS 27710, BIOS 27711, and BIOS 27712.
Note(s): E.
Equivalent Course(s): BIOS 27715

ENSC 24400. Ecology and Conservation. 100 Units.

This course focuses on the contribution of ecological theory to the understanding of current issues in conservation biology. We emphasize quantitative methods and their use for applied problems in ecology (e.g., risk of extinction, impact of harvesting, role of species interaction, analysis of global change). Course material is drawn mostly from current primary literature; lab and field components complement concepts taught through lecture. Prerequisite(s): BIOS 20150, BIOS 20151 or BIOS 20152 Note(s): BIOS 20196 is identical to the previously offered BIOS 23251. Students who have taken BIOS 23251 should not enroll in BIOS 20196. Equivalent Course(s): ENSC 24400

Instructor(s): C. Pfister, E. Larsen     Terms Offered: Autumn. L.
Prerequisite(s): BIOS 20153
Equivalent Course(s): BIOS 20196

ENSC 24500. Environmental Microbiology. 100 Units.

The objective of this course is to understand how microorganisms alter the geochemistry of their environment. The course will cover fundamental principles of microbial growth, metabolism, genetics, diversity, and ecology, as well as methods used to study microbial communities and activities. It will emphasize microbial roles in elemental cycling, bioremediation, climate, and ecosystem health in a variety of environments including aquatic, soil, sediment, and engineered systems.

Instructor(s): M. Coleman     Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): CHEM 11100-11200 and BIOS 20186, BIOS 20197, or BIOS 20198
Equivalent Course(s): GEOS 36650, GEOS 26650

ENSC 24600. Marine Ecosystems: From Microbiomes, to Conservation, Climate & Beyond. 100 Units.

This course is designed for rising 2nd years with interests in microbiology, the environment, and society. More specifically, the course is designed for students considering a science major, as well as non-majors, who are looking for broad exposure to geosciences, environmental and climate science, microbiology, molecular biology, and the intersection between society and science. Students will study coastal marine habitats, connectivity to ocean and climate, dynamics of microbial community structure, and marine conservation alongside gaining experience on laboratory microbiome science and environmental field work. Students will gain firsthand experience with the types of microbes that that influence climate and that impact health through laboratory experiments on culturing and analyzing microbes in 'pristine' and highly impacted coastal ecosystems. Methods to be learned include plating, epifluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry, DNA extraction, and sequencing. Lectures will cover marine microbiology, CO2 sequestration (natural and engineered), geochemistry, coastal and open ocean habitat structure, and links to climate and the climate crisis. We will also address equity issues in marine conservation and the climate crisis. While all field work will be coastal, students will also learn about the open ocean due to the key linkages of water masses as well as climate feedback.

Terms Offered: Summer
Equivalent Course(s): BIOS 27726

ENSC 24800. Climate Systems Engineering. 100 Units.

How might humans use geoscience and engineering to intervene in the climate system with the goal of limiting the impacts of historical carbon emissions? Climate Systems Engineering is the intersection of Climate Systems Science and Systems Engineering. Topics will include (1) solar geoengineering with a focus on stratospheric aerosols, (2) open-system carbon removal such as the addition of alkalinity to soils or directly to the ocean, and (3) local interventions to reduce glacial melting; along with crosscuts on (4) systems engineering and (5) policy implications. Foundational knowledge of climate-related geoscience is a required prerequisite. About a third of class time will be devoted to student presentations and discussion. Class work includes problem sets, peer-graded technical micro-essays, and a collaborative project.

Instructor(s): D. Keith     Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): GEOS 13300 The Atmosphere is required. GEOS 24220 Climate Foundations is strongly recommended.
Equivalent Course(s): GEOS 34800, GEOS 24800

ENSC 25000. Biological Oceanography. 100 Units.

This intensive four-week course addresses fundamental oceanographic processes that maintain and structure marine biodiversity and productivity, including physical oceanographic processes of dispersal and upwelling, environmental selection, biogeography, nutrient dynamics, primary production, and food web dynamics. Students will design an original research project during an initial week-long shore component at Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) in Woods Hole, MA, and then address their own questions by collecting samples and data aboard Sea Education Association (SEA)'s oceanographic research sailing vessel, the SSV Corwith Cramer, on a 10-day offshore voyage. At sea students will deploy oceanographic instruments, interpret various data streams, and work as research teams and watch members as they navigate and sail the vessel. During a final week-long shore component at MBL, students will analyze and interpret the data they collected and present their results in written and oral reports.

Instructor(s): SEA Staff.     Terms Offered: Spring. MBL Spring Quarter- Biology. L.
Prerequisite(s): Second-year standing or greater (or by consent).
Note(s): Course meets for three weeks (5-6 days/week, 8 hours per day) at Marine Biological Laboratories, in Woods Hole Massachusetts as part of the Spring Quarter at MBL. For more information see E.
Equivalent Course(s): BIOS 27751

ENSC 28100. Quantitative Environmental Analyses – Marine Biological Laboratory. 100 Units.

This course emphasizes the application of quantitative methods to answering ecological questions. Students apply mathematical modeling approaches to simulating biological and chemical phenomena in terrestrial and marine ecosystems.

Instructor(s): Marine Biological Laboratory Staff     Terms Offered: Autumn. L.
Prerequisite(s): Consent Only. Admission by application to the Semester in Environmental Science program at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA; concurrent registration in BIOS 27710, BIOS 27711 and BIOS 27712.
Note(s): E.
Equivalent Course(s): BIOS 27713

ENSC 29002. Field Course in Modern and Ancient Environments. 100 Units.

This course, in its many iterations, has had consistent aims: to provide students with hands-on experience of the processes that produce sedimentary rocks, exposure to standard field methods and fieldwork safety, and experience in developing and conducting an original research project. We consider biological as well as physical processes of sediment production, dispersal, accumulation, and post-depositional modification, and methods of paleoenvironmental analysis. We give significant attention to humans as geological agents: field areas today almost always exhibit legacy and/or ongoing effects from human activities. This year we explore the theme of Coasts and Coastal Resilience, using Lake Michigan shorelines as exemplars of coastal responses to key forcers - water (wave) regime, water level, and sediment supply - on societally relevant time scales. The spectrum of environments will include built structures such as seawalls, jetties, and hardened shorelines, and both natural and engineered "soft" shorelines. We will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:30-5:00, with approximately half devoted to lectures and discussion, and the other half to labs, which will be either indoors (using research wave tanks in Hinds) or outdoors (using nearby segments of the Lake Michigan shoreline). A day-long Saturday field excursion is also possible.

Instructor(s): S. Kidwell     Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): GEOS 13100 and 13200 recommended; contact instructor
Equivalent Course(s): CHST 29002, GEOS 29002

ENSC 29700. Reading and Research in Environmental Science. 100 Units.

Independent study; regular meetings with Geophysical Sciences faculty member required. Register by section corresponding to faculty supervisor.

Terms Offered: Autumn Spring Summer Winter
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor and departmental counselor
Note(s): Students are required to submit the College Reading and Research Course Form. Available to nonmajors for P/F grading. Must be taken for a quality grade when used to meet a requirement in the major.

ENSC 29800. Independent Undergraduate Research in Environmental Sciences Marine Biological Laboratory. 100 Units.

This course is the culmination of the Semester in Environmental Science at the Marine Biological Laboratory. An independent research project, on a topic in aquatic or terrestrial ecosystem ecology, is required. Students will participate in a seminar for scientific communication as well as submit a final paper on their project.

Instructor(s): Marine Biological Laboratory Staff     Terms Offered: Autumn. L.
Prerequisite(s): Consent only. Admission by application to the Semester in Environmental Science program at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA; concurrent registration in BIOS 27710 and BIOS 27711 along with one of BIOS 27713, BIOS 27714 or BIOS 27715.
Note(s): E.
Equivalent Course(s): BIOS 27712


Undergraduate Primary Contact

Department Counselor
Mark Webster
HGS 233

Administrative Contact

Departmental Office
HGS 161