Contacts | Program of Study | Advising | Electronic Communication | Program Requirements | Core Courses | Methods | Electives | Petitions | BA Honors Guidelines | BA Honors Seminar | Honors Paper Preparation Course | BA Honors Paper for Dual Majors | BA Honors Paper for BA/MA Students | Honors Paper Due Date | Summary of Requirements | Grading | Earl R. Franklin Fellowship | Courses
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Program of Study
The program in Comparative Human Development (CHDV) focuses on the study of persons over the course of life; on the social, cultural, biological, and psychological processes that jointly influence development; and on growth over time in different social and cultural settings. The study of human development also offers a unique lens through which we consider broad questions of the social sciences, like the processes and impacts of social change, and the interactions of biology and culture.
Faculty members in Comparative Human Development with diverse backgrounds in anthropology, biology, psychology, and sociology conduct research on topics that include (but are not limited to): the social and phenomenological experience of mental illness; comparative education; the impact of socioeconomic context on growth and development; the influence of social interaction on biological functioning; the tensions inherent in living in multicultural societies; the experience and development of psychotherapists in Western and non-Western countries; the ways in which youth in developing countries are forging new conceptions of adulthood; and the study of communication with developmental, cultural, and cognitive lenses.
Given this interdisciplinary scope, the program in Comparative Human Development provides an excellent preparation for students interested in advanced postgraduate study at the frontiers of several social science disciplines, or in careers and professions that require a broad and integrated understanding of human experience and behavior—e.g., mental health, education, social work, health care, or human resource and organizational work in community or corporate settings.
The first point of contact for undergraduates is the preceptor. Preceptors can be emailed at Additional contact information for the year-specific preceptor can be found in the Contacts section at the bottom of this page, along with the undergraduate chair and administrator contact information. Students should declare their majors by the end of their second year.
Electronic Communication
Upon declaring a Comparative Human Development major, undergraduates should promptly join the department undergraduate email listserv to receive important announcements. Students request to join the listserv by logging in with their CNet ID at and subscribing to
Program Requirements
The requirements below are in effect as of Autumn Quarter 2017.
Students who are pursuing a joint BA/MA degree are permitted to double count a maximum of four courses for the two degrees.
The undergraduate program in Comparative Human Development has the following components:
Core Courses
CHDV 20000 Introduction to Human Development and CHDV 20100 Human Development Research Design, a two-quarter introductory sequence in Comparative Human Development, should be completed prior to the Spring Quarter of a student’s third year. CHDV 20000 Introduction to Human Development focuses on theories of development, with particular reference to the development of the self in a social and cultural context. CHDV 20100 Human Development Research Design focuses on modes of research and inquiry in human development, including basic concepts of research design and different methods used in studying human development (e.g., ethnography, experiments, surveys, discourse analysis, narrative inquiry, and animal models). Consideration is given to the advantages and limitations of each approach in answering particular questions concerning person and culture.
Students must complete one Methods course. It may focus on qualitative or quantitative methods or may be a research methods course from a related department, such as Statistics.
The following are courses since 2012 that have fulfilled the Methods requirement without a petition. (Please note courses in this list may not be offered every academic year.)
Courses that are not on the following list may be petitioned to count for Methods (see Petitions).
ANTH 21420 | Ethnographic Methods | 100 |
BIOS 20151 | Introduction to Quantitative Modeling in Biology | 100 |
BIOS 20152 | Introduction to Quantitative Modeling in Biology (Advanced) | 100 |
BIOS 20172 | Mathematical Modeling for Pre-Med Students | 100 |
BIOS 25419 | Introduction to Infectious Disease Epidemiology | 100 |
CHDV 20101 | Applied Statistics in Human Development Research | 100 |
CHDV 20299 | Ethnographic Research Methods | 100 |
CHDV 30102 | Introduction to Causal Inference | 100 |
CHDV 32411 | Mediation, Moderation, and Spillover Effects | 100 |
CHDV 37802 | Seminar: Challenging Legends and Other Received Truths: A Socratic Practicum | 100 |
CHDV 39301 | Qualitative Research Methods | 100 |
PBPL 24800 | Urban Policy Analysis | 100 |
PBPL 26301 | Field Research Project in Public Policy | 100 |
PLSC 22913 | Political Science Research Methods | 100 |
PSYC 20100 | Psychological Statistics | 100 |
PSYC 20200 | Psychological Research Methods | 100 |
PSYC 20250 | Introduction to Statistical Concepts and Methods | 100 |
SOCI 20001 | Sociological Methods | 100 |
SOCI 20004 | Statistical Methods of Research | 100 |
SOCI 20140 | Qualitative Field Methods | 100 |
STAT 20000 | Elementary Statistics | 100 |
STAT 22000 | Statistical Methods and Applications | 100 |
STAT 22400 | Applied Regression Analysis | 100 |
STAT 23400 | Statistical Models and Methods | 100 |
* | Courses used to fulfill a general education requirement may not be used to fulfill the major (e.g., BIOS 20151, BIOS 20152, or STAT 20000). |
All CHDV majors are required to take nine CHDV elective courses with course numbers above 20000. We encourage students to take their elective courses across the four areas of Comparative Human Development, given the department's commitment to transdisciplinary scholarship. Many CHDV elective courses are designated as aligning with one or more distribution areas (labeled A through D); see individual course listings in the catalog. The four areas are the following:
A. Comparative Behavioral Biology: includes courses on the biopsychology of attachment; evolutionary social psychology; evolution of parenting; biological psychology; primate behavior and ecology; behavioral endocrinology.
B. Life Course Development: includes courses on social and psychological development through the life course, including courses on childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and aging; education and development; introduction to language development; the role of early experience in development; sexual and gender identity; the study of lives and families in social and cultural context.
C. Culture and Community: includes courses on cultural psychology; psychological anthropology; social psychology; cross-cultural child development; language, culture, and thought; language socialization; education in ethnic and cultural context; psychiatric and psychodynamic anthropology; memory and culture.
D. Mental Health and Personality: includes courses on personality theory and research; social and cultural foundations of mental and physical health; modern psychotherapies and their supporting institutions; psychology of well-being; conflict understanding and resolution; core concepts and current directions in psychopathology; emotion, mind, and rationality; body image in health and disorder; advanced concepts in psychoanalysis.
Student petitions will be approved only in very limited circumstances for courses not taught or cross-listed in CHDV to count toward CHDV major requirements. These limited circumstances may include a relevant course offered during a University of Chicago study abroad program if a CHDV course is not available. Students may petition for one relevant course per quarter of study abroad to count toward the CHDV major, but only one, barring unusual circumstances. Students may also petition to take a comparable course from another department following a sudden, unanticipated change in CHDV departmental course offerings. Only university-level courses offered by the University of Chicago may be approved for CHDV requirements; no other form of credit (including Advanced Placement) is allowed. Petitions should be completed using the CHDV petition form found at Petitions should include a copy of the course syllabus, since the course title alone is often not sufficient for evaluating a petition.
BA Honors Guidelines
Students with qualifying GPAs may seek to graduate with honors by successfully completing a BA honors paper that reflects scholarly proficiency in an area of study within Comparative Human Development and successfully completing two required accompanying courses:
1. CHDV 29800 B.A. Honors Seminar (offered in the Spring Quarter of third year) and
2. CHDV 29900 Honors Paper Preparation (offered in the Autumn Quarter of fourth year)
CHDV 29800 B.A. Honors Seminar can count as one of the nine elective courses required for the major. CHDV 29900 Honors Paper Preparation may not count toward major requirements; it may be used for general elective credit only. Qualified students who wish to seek CHDV honors and who plan to study abroad should plan their travel in order to ensure they are in residence at the University of Chicago during the Spring Quarter of their third year and the Autumn Quarter of their fourth year in order to take the two courses required for BA honors. Students will also be required to present their Honors Paper in the Trial Research Conference in the Spring Quarter of their fourth year.
The honors paper should reflect original research of an empirical, scholarly, or theoretical nature and must be rated as worthy of honors by the student’s BA Honors Committee. This committee shall consist of two University faculty members: a supervisor (who must be a CHDV faculty member or associate faculty member) and a second reader (who must be a University of Chicago faculty member or associate faculty member). The paper should be about 30 to 40 pages in length. The grade given for it will become the grade of record for the Honors Paper Preparation course (CHDV 29900 Honors Paper Preparation). To receive departmental honors upon graduation, students (1) must have attained a cumulative overall GPA of 3.25 or higher and a major GPA higher than 3.5 by the end of the quarter prior to the quarter of graduation, and (2) must have completed a meritorious BA honors paper under the supervision of a CHDV faculty member and received a grade of A or A- on their BA honors paper.
Permission to undertake a BA honors paper will be granted by the CHDV undergraduate chair to students who (1) have successfully completed CHDV 29800 B.A. Honors Seminar and (2) have filed a properly completed BA Honors Paper Proposal Form with the departmental Student Affairs Administrator no later than ninth week of Spring Quarter of the third year.
BA Honors Seminar
The CHDV 29800 B.A. Honors Seminar aims to help qualified students formulate a suitable proposal and find a CHDV faculty supervisor. Qualified students who wish to seek departmental honors must register for the CHDV 29800 B.A. Honors Seminar during Spring Quarter of their third year. Permission to register for CHDV 29800 B.A. Honors Seminar will be granted to students with a GPA that, at the end of Autumn Quarter of the third year, shows promise of meeting the standards set for honors (see above). This course must be taken for a quality grade and may be counted as one of the required major electives. This course is a pre-field course where students develop a ten-page research proposal and find both a CHDV supervisor and a second reader (who may be outside of the department). As part of the proposal, they learn to develop an academic “problem” while reviewing the necessary academic literature. They also decide on the discipline and methods (interviewing, ethnography, experimental design) they will use to tackle their research question.
Honors Paper Preparation Course
The CHDV 29900 Honors Paper Preparation course helps students successfully complete work on their BA honors paper. In order to complete honors, students who successfully took CHDV 29800 in Spring Quarter of their third year must also register for CHDV 29900 Honors Paper Preparation during Autumn Quarter of their fourth year. This courses is required but does not count as one of the 12 courses in the major; it may be used for general elective credit only. Students are encouraged to collect their data over the summer; then this course scaffolds the process of analyzing data (such as transcription and coding) and writing up BA papers (such as tips on describing methods and peer review). The grade assigned by the thesis supervisor on the final BA paper is retroactively assigned as the grade for this course.
BA Honors Paper for Dual Majors
In very special circumstances, students may be able to write a longer BA honors paper that meets the requirements for a dual major (with prior approval from the undergraduate program chairs in both departments). Students should consult with both chairs before the end of Spring Quarter of their third year. A consent form, available from the student’s College adviser, must be signed by both chairs and returned to the College adviser, with copies filed in both departmental offices, by the end of Autumn Quarter of the student’s graduation year.
BA Honors Paper for BA/MA Students
Students pursuing a joint BA/MA may be able to write a paper that meets the requirements for honors in CHDV and for the MA, subject to the approval of both programs. Students should consult with the Director of Undergraduate Studies of the Department of Comparative Human Development and with the Faculty Director of the MA program before the end of Spring Quarter of their third year. Students must also complete the fourth-year major course plan by the beginning of Winter Quarter in third year. Students are permitted to double count up to four courses for the major and the MA program.
Students must follow all the deadlines and requirements of the honors track of the major, including taking CHDV 29800 B.A. Honors Seminar and CHDV 29900 Honors Paper Preparation. To receive a BA with honors, students must (1) complete the requirements of the major and (2) submit a meritorious honors BA paper in the Spring Quarter of their fourth year in accordance with the departmental deadlines and requirements.
Honors Paper Due Date
Honors papers are due by the end of sixth week of the quarter in which a student plans to graduate (typically in Spring Quarter).
Summary of Requirements
CHDV 20000 | Introduction to Human Development | 100 |
CHDV 20100 | Human Development Research Design | 100 |
One Methods Course | 100 | |
Nine Elective Courses * | 900 | |
Total Units | 1200 |
* | Elective courses must have course numbers above 20000. Students applying for CHDV honors must register for CHDV 29800 B.A. Honors Seminar and CHDV 29900 Honors Paper Preparation. CHDV 29800 may be counted as one of the nine required program electives; however, CHDV 29900 does not count toward the major and is used for general elective credit only. |
All courses required for the major in Comparative Human Development must be taken for quality grades.
Earl R. Franklin Fellowship
The Earl R. Franklin Research Fellowship is awarded to select third-year students who are writing a BA thesis in Comparative Human Development. It provides financial support during the summer before the fourth year to carry out research that will be continued as a senior honors project. Applications, which are submitted at the beginning of Spring Quarter, include a research proposal, personal statement, budget, CV, and a letter of recommendation. Details can be found at our website at
The courses below are a guide. For up-to-date course plans, please visit Class Search or the Anticipated Courses List.
Comparative Human Development Courses
CHDV 17050. Health and Society in Chicago. 100 Units.
This course will introduce students to the social sciences of health and medicine, using the city of Chicago as an extended case study. We will explore issues of framing and meaning in relation to illness experience, health inequities, and the organization of healthcare systems, using local examples throughout. The course will feature a range of local guest speakers and several field trips.
Instructor(s): E. Raikhel Terms Offered: Summer
Note(s): This course will fulfill the introductory requirement for the Minor in Health and Society.
Equivalent Course(s): HLTH 17050
CHDV 20000. Introduction to Human Development. 100 Units.
This course introduces the study of lives in context. The nature of human development from infancy through old age is explored through theory and empirical findings from various disciplines. Readings and discussions emphasize the interrelations of biological, psychological, and sociocultural forces at different points of the life cycle.
Instructor(s): S. Numanbayraktaroglu Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): CHDV majors or intended majors.
Note(s): Required Course for Comparative Human Development Majors.
All students must sign up for a discussion section.
Equivalent Course(s): PSYC 20850, HLTH 20000
CHDV 20100. Human Development Research Design. 100 Units.
The purpose of this course is to expose CHD majors in college to a broad range of methods in social sciences with a focus on human development research. The faculty in Comparative Human Development is engaged in interdisciplinary research encompassing anthropology, biology, psychology, sociology, and applied statistics. The types of data and methods used by faculty span the gamut of possible methodologies for addressing novel and important research questions. In this course, students will study how appropriate research methods are chosen and employed in influential research and will gain hands-on experience with data collection and data analysis. In general, the class will meet as a whole on Mondays and will have lab/discussion sections on Wednesdays. The lab/discussion sections are designed to review the key concepts, practice through applying some of the methods, and prepare students for the assignments. Students in each section will be assigned to small groups. Some of the assignments are group-based while others are individual-based.
Instructor(s): C. Galli Terms Offered: Winter
Note(s): Required Course for Comparative Human Development Majors
Equivalent Course(s): EDSO 20100, HLTH 20100, PSYC 21100, SOCI 20549
CHDV 20102. Introduction to Causal Inference. 100 Units.
This course is designed for graduate students and advanced undergraduate students from the social sciences, education, public health science, public policy, social service administration, and statistics who are involved in quantitative research and are interested in studying causality. The goal of this course is to equip students with basic knowledge of and analytic skills in causal inference. Topics for the course will include the potential outcomes framework for causal inference; experimental and observational studies; identification assumptions for causal parameters; potential pitfalls of using ANCOVA to estimate a causal effect; propensity score based methods including matching, stratification, inverse-probability-of-treatment-weighting (IPTW), marginal mean weighting through stratification (MMWS), and doubly robust estimation; the instrumental variable (IV) method; regression discontinuity design (RDD) including sharp RDD and fuzzy RDD; difference in difference (DID) and generalized DID methods for cross-section and panel data, and fixed effects model. Intermediate Statistics or equivalent such as STAT 224/PBHS 324, PP 31301, BUS 41100, or SOC 30005 is a prerequisite. This course is a prerequisite for "Advanced Topics in Causal Inference" and "Mediation, moderation, and spillover effects."
Instructor(s): G. Hong Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): Intermediate Statistics or equivalent such as STAT 224, PBHS 324, PBPL 31301, BUS 41100, or SOCI 30005
Note(s): CHDV Distribution: M; M
Equivalent Course(s): STAT 31900, MACS 51000, MACS 21000, PLSC 30102, SOCI 30315, PBHS 43201, CHDV 30102
CHDV 20123. Sociology of the Family. 100 Units.
The family is a key social institution in all human societies, although its structure and functions vary over time and place. Families are responsible for producing, raising and socializing children into social roles. Families are often the site of religious practice, responsible for much of what is produced and consumed, provide shelter, transmit resources across generations and within them, inculcate members, especially the young, with values and beliefs, provide companionship and entertainment, and the location for much of the sexual activity that takes place. Changes in the structure of the economy, social policies, and social organization all affect the family, with demographic forces also playing a key role. We will discuss these issues through the lens of the classic and recent literature on the family as seen from a sociological perspective.
Instructor(s): L. Waite Terms Offered: Winter
Equivalent Course(s): PBPL 20123, GNSE 22123, SOCI 20123
CHDV 20140. Qualitative Field Methods. 100 Units.
This course introduces techniques of, and approaches to, ethnographic field research. We emphasize quality of attention and awareness of perspective as foundational aspects of the craft. Students conduct research at a site, compose and share field notes, and produce a final paper distilling sociological insight from the fieldwork.
Instructor(s): O. McRoberts Terms Offered: Spring
Equivalent Course(s): SOCI 20140, RDIN 20140
CHDV 20150. Language and Communication. 100 Units.
This course can also be taken by students who are not majoring in Linguistics but are interested in learning something about the uniqueness of human language, spoken or signed. It covers a selection from the following topics: What is the position of spoken language in the usually multimodal forms of communication among humans? In what ways does spoken language differ from signed language? What features make spoken and signed language linguistic? What features distinguish linguistic means of communication from animal communication? How do humans communicate with animals? From an evolutionary point of view, how can we account for the fact that spoken language is the dominant mode of communication in all human communities around the world? Why cannot animals really communicate linguistically? What do the terms language "acquisition" and "transmission" really mean? What factors account for differences between "language acquisition" by children and by adults? Are children really perfect language learners? What factors bring about language evolution, including language speciation and the emergence of new language varieties? How did language evolve in mankind? This is a general education course without any prerequisites. It provides a necessary foundation to those working on language at the graduate and undergraduate levels.
Instructor(s): Salikoko Mufwene Terms Offered: Autumn
Equivalent Course(s): EDSO 20150, LING 20150, LING 30150, CHDV 30150, COGS 22002
CHDV 20175. The Sociology of Deviant Behavior. 100 Units.
This course examines how distinctions between "normal" and "deviant" are created, and how these labels shift historically, culturally, and politically. We analyze the construction of social problems and moral panics (e.g., smoking, "satanic" daycares, obesity) to explore how various moral entrepreneurs shape what some sociologists call a "culture of fear." Additionally, we investigate the impact on individuals of being labeled "deviant" either voluntarily or involuntarily, as a way of illustrating how both social control and social change operate in society.
Instructor(s): K. Schilt Terms Offered: Autumn. Not Being offered in 2024/25
Equivalent Course(s): SOCI 20175
CHDV 20300. Biological Psychology. 100 Units.
What are the relations between mind and brain? How do brains regulate mental, behavioral, and hormonal processes; and how do these influence brain organization and activity? This course introduces the anatomy, physiology, and chemistry of the brain; their changes in response to the experiential and sociocultural environment; and their relation to perception, attention, behavioral action, motivation, and emotion.
Instructor(s): S. London, J. Yu Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): Some background in biology and psychology.
Equivalent Course(s): NSCI 21015, PSYC 20300
CHDV 20305. Inequality in Urban Spaces. 100 Units.
The problems confronting urban schools are bound to the social, economic, and political conditions of the urban environments in which schools reside. Thus, this course will explore social, economic, and political issues, with an emphasis on issues of race and class as they have affected the distribution of equal educational opportunities in urban schools. We will focus on the ways in which family, school, and neighborhood characteristics intersect to shape the divergent outcomes of low- and middle-income children residing with any given neighborhood. Students will tackle an important issue affecting the residents and schools in one Chicago neighborhood. This course is part of the College Course Cluster: Urban Design.
Instructor(s): M. Keels Terms Offered: Autumn
Note(s): CHDV Distribution: B; 2*
Equivalent Course(s): CHDV 30315, RDIN 20305, EDSO 40315, PBPL 20305
CHDV 20401. Anthropology of Healing. 100 Units.
In our world marked by pandemics, stress, chronic illness, and cancers, healing is a primary concern, with people around the world experimenting with disparate techniques, from psychotherapy to psychedelics, to energy therapies and others. In this course we will rethink what it means to heal and to disease, reimagining healing as a practice that is deeply implicated in the ways in which we come to know, inhabit, and story the world. If we imagine our contemporary forms of life, entangled as they are, in legacies of colonial violence, capitalism, and ecological disaster, as ongoing sources of collective disease; how then do we re-entangle our ways of being, in anthropology and in the world, that encourage possibilities for healing? What would it mean to think our conceptual and sensorial practices as crucial to the ways in which we heal and disease? While the course design introduces students to anthropology and its methods, it pierces its confines and shifts the canon, or the story of anthropology, from its roots in colonializations or whiteness (and its myriad burdens) to the intimacies and desires of queer, sub-altern, black, and indigenous life-worlds. What are the ways in which disease is written into contemporary ways of being and how do we refuse to partake in it? How do we articulate stories that can not only bear lives on the margin but bear health? How can we story self and world differently? And how then, can we collectively live in more joyful and healing ways?
Instructor(s): Nida Paracha
Equivalent Course(s): ANTH 30401, CHDV 30409, HLTH 20401, ANTH 20401
CHDV 20510. Sensory Worlds. 100 Units.
What does it mean to make sense of sense? We experience the world through taste, hearing, touch, sight, and smell in multisensory ways. This course examines how the senses help establish, maintain and transform social orders and hierarchies. We will read philosophical, social theory, and anthropological texts, including ethnographies, and we will consider how sensory experience varies between and across contexts as well as withi them. We will also consider the stakes of sensory difference and how we might talk about sensory justice. And, as a class on the senses, we will also engage in sensory experiments and exercises, and sensorial ways of writing.
Equivalent Course(s): CHDV 30599, CEGU 20510, SOCI 20623
CHDV 20655. Child and Adolescent Development in Context. 100 Units.
This course focuses on human development from infancy through adolescence. Students will learn how culture and context influence the development of perception, cognition, language, identity, and social interaction. The course considers perspectives and methods in developmental research. As each new topic is introduced, students are encouraged to think critically about the assumptions and methods that underlie research on particular issues, and how to apply such research to real-world issues. Students will complete multiple applied assignments to demonstrate knowledge of course concepts.
Instructor(s): Rogers Terms Offered: Spring
Note(s): Distribution: B,C
Equivalent Course(s): HLTH 20655
CHDV 20700. Global Health, Environment, and Indigenous Futures. 100 Units.
The global coronavirus pandemic has made evident the significance of ecological (im)balances for the well-being of societies. The relationship between structural inequalities, changing environments and health, especially for historically and socio-economically marginalized communities, is now well established. At the same time, a growing body of literature links the material conditions of marginalized communities-for instance, spaces of dwelling and conditions of labor-to health status, globally. Based on a set of interdisciplinary literature arranged through anthropological theories, this course will critically engage with notions of health and well-being for indigenous communities, tracing injustices that stem histories of racial, caste- and ethnicity-based, and environmental exclusions. The readings are organized around one central question: What does it mean to be indigenous in a changing planet where social, political, and economic systems are marked by enduring legacies of systemic violence? This graduate and undergraduate level course will introduce contexts within which structural exclusions lead to ill-health and loss of well-being among indigenous communities across the globe. The aim is to develop critical thinking on the political economy and political ecologies of indigenous health as imbricated with issues of social, economic, and environmental justice.
Instructor(s): Sanghamitra Das
Equivalent Course(s): CHDV 30750, ANTH 30700, RDIN 20700, SALC 32704, ANTH 20700, CEGU 20700, RDIN 30700, CEGU 30700, SALC 26501
CHDV 21000. Cultural Psychology. 100 Units.
There is a substantial portion of the psychological nature of human beings that is neither homogeneous nor fixed across time and space. At the heart of the discipline of cultural psychology is the tenet of psychological pluralism, which states that the study of "normal" psychology is the study of multiple psychologies and not just the study of a single or uniform fundamental psychology for all peoples of the world. Research findings in cultural psychology thus raise provocative questions about the integrity and value of alternative forms of subjectivity across cultural groups. In this course we analyze the concept of "culture" and examine ethnic and cross-cultural variations in mental functioning with special attention to the cultural psychology of emotions, self, moral judgment, categorization, and reasoning.
Instructor(s): R. Shweder Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): Undergraduates must be in third or fourth year.
Note(s): CHDV Distribution: B, C
Equivalent Course(s): GNSE 21001, GNSE 31000, CRES 21100, AMER 33000, CHDV 31000, KNOW 31000, PSYC 33000, ANTH 24320, PSYC 23000, ANTH 35110
CHDV 21600. Histories of Abortion and Forced Sterilization in the United States. 100 Units.
In the United States, the politics of pregnancy and reproductive autonomy have historically been and continue to be categories of significance, meaning, and contention. In this course, we will explore a subsection of these broader categories, examining the relation between abortion and forced sterilization, the state, and women of color. The course will zero in on the experiences of Mexican American and Mexican immigrant women, African American women, Puerto Rican women, and Native American women, considering their struggles against the state and for reproductive justice.
Instructor(s): Caine Jordan Terms Offered: Spring
Equivalent Course(s): HIST 37810, GNSE 33181, RDIN 21600, RDIN 31600, GNSE 23181, HLTH 21600, HIST 27810
CHDV 21800. Primate Behavior and Ecology. 100 Units.
This course explores the behavior and ecology of nonhuman primates with emphasis on their natural history and evolution. Specific topics include methods for the study of primate behavior, history of primate behavior research, socioecology, foraging, predation, affiliation, aggression, mating, parenting, development, communication, cognition, and evolution of human behavior.
Instructor(s): D. Maestripieri Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): Completion of the first three quarters of a Biological Sciences fundamentals sequence.
Note(s): E.
Equivalent Course(s): CHDV 34300, EVOL 37300, BIOS 23248
CHDV 21816. A History of Youth in Latin America. 100 Units.
This course will examine the history of youth-as a social category, and as an experience-in Latin America. We will consider histories of childhood, student activism, and youth culture across the region to consider how young people experience everyday life, and how they effect change. Course materials will combine primary sources including film, music, and other visual and performance artworks with scholarship on childhood and youth.
Instructor(s): Diana Schwartz-Francisco Terms Offered: Spring
Equivalent Course(s): HIST 26302, LACS 21816, GLST 21816
CHDV 21920. The Evolution of Language. 100 Units.
This course is designed to review critically some of the literature on the phylogenetic emergence of Language, in order to determine which questions have been central to the subject matter, which ones have recurred the most, and to what extent the answers to these are now better informed. The class will also review new questions such as the following: What is the probable time of the emergence of modern language(s)? Should we speak of the emergence of Language or of languages, in the plural?
Instructor(s): Salikoko Mufwene Terms Offered: Winter
Equivalent Course(s): CHSS 41920, EVOL 41920, CHDV 41920, LING 21920, PSYC 41920, LING 41920, COGS 22007, ANTH 47305
CHDV 22103. Feminism(s) and Anthropology. 100 Units.
This course examines the fraught yet generative relation between various movements of feminism and the discipline of anthropology. Both feminism(s) and anthropology emerged in the 19th century as fields invested in thinking "the human" through questions of alterity or Otherness. As such, feminist and anthropological inquiries often take up shared objects of analysis--including nature/culture, kinship, the body, sexuality, exchange, value and power-even as they differ in their political and scholarly orientations through the last century and a half. Tracking the emergence of feminisms and anthropology as distinct fields of academic discourse on the one hand and political intervention on the Other, we will pursue the following lines of inquiry: 1) a genealogical approach to key concepts and problem-spaces forged at the intersection of these two fields 2) critical analysis of the relation of feminist and postcolonial social movements to the professionalizing fields of knowledge production (including Marxist inspired writing on women and economy, Third World feminism and intersectionality, and feminist critiques of science studies) and 3) a reflexive contemporary examination of the way these two strands of thought have come together in the subfield of feminist anthropology and the continual frictions and resonances of feminist and anthropological approaches in academic settings and in the larger world (e.g., #MeToo, sex positive activism, queer politics, feminist economics).
Instructor(s): Chu, Julie
Cole, Jennifer Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): 3rd and 4th year undergraduates only. Graduate students must have consent of one of the instructors.
Equivalent Course(s): ANTH 25211, GNSE 32103, GNSE 20143, CHDV 32103, ANTH 32910
CHDV 22203. Caste, Reproduction, and Citizenship in India. 100 Units.
This undergraduate and graduate level seminar will center on caste and reproduction in understanding notions of citizenship in India. The course will systematically engage with ideas of belonging to the post-colonial nation-state, particularly as experienced from following standpoints-gender, caste, indigeneity, and class. Understanding how citizenship is constituted, performed and negotiated in India, especially in relation to the biological and political reproduction of "good citizens", reveals the scopes and limits of citizenship as governance. The course is premised on the centrality of reproduction to governance in the largest democracy of the world. Drawing on a set of interdisciplinary literature, the readings are organized around feminist theorizations of the State, governance, and citizenship to locate the body within the body politic. The aim is to develop critical thinking on how the politics of reproduction is deeply imbricated with the reproduction of democratic politics; a politics that is entangled with knowledge, expertise and constructed human difference. In so doing, the course brings together reproductive governance with articulations of social justice in India.
Equivalent Course(s): CHDV 32203, GNSE 22207, RDIN 32203, ANTH 32203, GNSE 32207, RDIN 22203, SALC 35704
CHDV 22305. Who deserves what? Analyzing inequalities in institutional decision-making. 100 Units.
A key element of societal structuring is producing and reproducing ways to identify ourselves and categorize each other. Ways of differentiating often carry with them implicit or explicit moral assessments - is this difference good or bad, valuable or not? Government institutions and other systems of social organization make decisions and allocate resources based on markers of difference. Therefore, inequalities based on morally loaded categories become embedded in systems that decide who is deserving of earning a diagnosis, health care, a legal status or other resources. This course looks at the ways people become labeled (desirably or not), how these labels impact institutional or systemic decision-making, and how moral assessments are present in justifications of such decisions. Over the quarter we will introduce and apply the analytic of deservingness and investigate decision-making processes (e.g., diagnosis, legal claims, insurance coverage) in various geographic locations and settings with a focus on medical, legal, and bureaucratic institutions. We will explore themes of objectivity, evaluation, expert intervention, inequality, systemic violence and moral justification. Primary course questions include: How do institutions and governments make decisions? How are their decisions justified? What role do experts and expert knowledge play in decision-making? As an analytic tool, what does deservingness make visible about decision-making processes and their impacts?
Instructor(s): A. Prior Terms Offered: Spring
Note(s): Undergrad distribution: C
Equivalent Course(s): ANTH 22305, HIPS 22305, HLTH 22305
CHDV 22350. Social Neuroscience. 100 Units.
Humans are intensely social animals. Our lives are intertwined with other people, and our well-being depends on others. Social neuroscience examines how the brain mediates social cognition and behavior. It spans diverse species, disciplines (evolutionary biology, neuroscience, anthropology, psychology, behavioral economics, sociology, and political science), and levels of analysis across the biological organization. Social neuroscience provides an overarching paradigm to investigate social cognition and behavior and to determine where we as a species fit within a broader biological context. A wide range of topics will be examined, including social connections and friendship, sex, mating and aggression, cooperation and social preferences, social and environmental influences on decision-making and behavior, empathy, social contagion, and group coalitions. Interdisciplinary analyses, by integrating approaches from social sciences and biological sciences, significantly expand our knowledge and have the potential to improve our social and living conditions.
Instructor(s): J. Decety Terms Offered: Autumn
Equivalent Course(s): BIOS 24137, PSYC 22350, HLTH 22350, ECON 21830
CHDV 22580. Child Development in the Classroom. 100 Units.
This discussion-based, advanced seminar is designed to investigate how preschool and elementary students think, act, and learn, as well as examine developmentally appropriate practices and culturally responsive teaching in the classroom. This course emphasizes the application of theory and research from the field of psychology to the realm of teaching and learning in contemporary classrooms. Course concepts will be grounded in empirical research and activities geared towards understanding the nuances and complexities of topics such as cognitive development (memory, attention, language), early assessment systems, standardized testing, "mindset", "grit", exercise/nutrition, emotion regulation, and more.
Instructor(s): Kate O'Doherty Terms Offered: Autumn
Equivalent Course(s): EDSO 22580, PSYC 22580
CHDV 23003. Schooling and Identity. 100 Units.
This course examines the dynamic relations between schooling and identity. We will explore how schools both enable and constrain the identities available to students and the consequences of this for academic achievement. We will examine these relations from multiple disciplinary perspectives, applying psychological, anthropological, sociological, and critical theories to understanding how students not only construct identities for themselves within schools, but also negotiate the identities imposed on them by others. Topics will include the role of peer culture, adult expectations, school practices and enduring social structures in shaping processes of identity formation in students and how these processes influence school engagement and achievement. We will consider how these processes unfold at all levels of schooling, from preschool through college, and for students who navigate a range of social identities, from marginalized to privileged.
Instructor(s): Lisa Rosen Terms Offered: Winter. Offered winter 2025
Prerequisite(s): Priority registration will be given to MAPSS students seeking the Education and Society certificate.
Equivalent Course(s): SOCI 20530, RDIN 33002, SOCI 30530, RDIN 23002, EDSO 23002, EDSO 33002
CHDV 23005. Education and Social Inequality. 100 Units.
How and why do educational outcomes and experiences vary across student populations? What role do schools play in a society's system of stratification? How do schools both contribute to social mobility and to the reproduction of the prevailing social order? This course examines these questions through the lens of social and cultural theory, engaging current academic debates on the causes and consequences of social inequality in educational outcomes. We will engage these debates by studying foundational and emerging theories and examining empirical research on how social inequalities are reproduced or ameliorated through schools. Through close readings of historical, anthropological and sociological case studies of schooling in the U.S, students will develop an understanding of the structural forces and cultural processes that produce inequality in neighborhoods and schools, how they contribute to unequal opportunities, experiences, and achievement outcomes for students along lines of race/ethnicity, class, gender, and immigration status, and how students themselves navigate and interpret this unequal terrain. We will cover such topics as neighborhood and school segregation; peer culture; social networks; elite schooling; the interaction between home, society and educational institutions; and dynamics of assimilation for students from immigrant communities.
Instructor(s): Lisa Rosen Terms Offered: Autumn. Offered autumn 2024
Equivalent Course(s): SOCI 20297, CHST 23005, EDSO 23005, CRES 23005
CHDV 23011. Beyond the Culture Wars: Social Movements and the Politics of Education in the U.S. 100 Units.
Passionate conflicts over school curriculum and educational policy are a recurring phenomenon in the history of US schooling. Why are schools such frequent sites of struggle and what is at stake in these conflicts? In this discussion-based seminar, we will consider schools as battlegrounds in the US "culture wars": contests over competing visions of national identity, morality, social order, the fundamental purposes of public education, and the role of the state vis-à-vis the family. Drawing on case studies from history, anthropology, sociology and critical race and gender studies, we will examine both past and contemporary debates over school curriculum and school policy. Topics may include clashes over: the teaching of evolution, sex and sexuality education, busing/desegregation, prayer in schools, multiculturalism, the content of the literary canon, the teaching of reading, mathematics and history, and the closure of underperforming urban schools. Our inquiry will examine how social and political movements have used schools to advance or resist particular agendas and social projects.
Instructor(s): Lisa Rosen Terms Offered: Spring. Offered spring 2025
Equivalent Course(s): HIST 27718, SOCI 30588, PBPL 23011, CHDV 33011, EDSO 33011, SOCI 20588, EDSO 23011, HIST 37718
CHDV 23012. Linguistic Anthropology of Education. 100 Units.
Students in this course will learn to think critically about the entangled roles of language and education in processes of sociocultural (re)production, that is, in how forms of social organization and collective meaning-making are produced and/or reproduced. Students will learn to analyze language use as a social activity: not merely as a code for referencing events in the world, but as a way of managing social relations. In reading about language in educational contexts, students will come to see how collectively held beliefs about language and language users inform moral, political, and often (de)racializing evaluations of better and worse ways of speaking, writing, teaching and learning, leading to differential educational opportunities, access, and outcomes. Education will be treated broadly, though there will be a focus on formal educational contexts. Nonetheless, the class will always challenge students to think about "the classroom," including our own, as continuous and contiguous with "the real world."
Instructor(s): Lily (Shenghe) Ye Terms Offered: Spring. Offered Spring 2023
Equivalent Course(s): EDSO 23012, ANTH 27216
CHDV 23013. Educational Excellence in US Public Schools. 100 Units.
What are the mechanisms that promote educational excellence for students in US public schools? Are there particular aspects of the school setting that enhance the educational experience of students? In this discussion based course, we will engage these questions via extant literature and community engaged activity (i.e. getting involved with a school). The core interests central this course are as follows: (1) at the conclusion of this course one should be better positioned to promote educational/academic excellence for students in the United States, and (2) one should be better positioned to eradicate inequity and inequality in the educational/academic excellence of students in the United States.
Instructor(s): Darnell Leatherwood Terms Offered: Spring
Equivalent Course(s): SSAD 23013, EDSO 23013
CHDV 23015. Approaches to School Reform & Improvement. 100 Units.
The U.S. preK-12 education landscape is covered in the vestiges of failed or only partially fulfilled efforts to improve our schools. Yet our public schools now educate more people, for more time, in content areas beyond the "3 R's", and with better results than at any time in our history as a nation. This course gives students an opportunity to critically examine several promising school-level improvement strategies within the context of larger reform efforts. Students will consider the role that values, beliefs about learning and people, and local context play in the success of school improvement efforts. Additionally, students will consider the factors that are necessary for sustaining the implementation of school improvement strategies. Ultimately, students will leave the course with a deeper understanding of what they believe the purpose of school is, how people and organizations learn and change, and strategies for influencing change in their own careers, regardless of sector. The course includes one field experience for students to consider the impact of reforms on preK-12 education institutions.
Equivalent Course(s): EDSO 23015, CHST 23015
CHDV 23016. The History of American Urban Education. 100 Units.
This course explores the complex history of American urban education from the 19th century to modern times. Our primary analytical lens will be the role of place, race, and ethnicity in the making of contemporary schools, schooling, and curriculum in US urban centers. We will undertake this exploration by examining a selection of books, some of which are "foundational" texts in the history of American urban education, others that have opened new and important areas of research in the field, and still others that have addressed vital issues in the history of urban education in a particularly compelling way.
Equivalent Course(s): RDIN 33016, EDSO 33016, CHDV 33016, CHST 23016, EDSO 23016, RDIN 23016
CHDV 23017. Sociology of Higher Education. 100 Units.
This course offers an in-depth introduction to the sociological study of higher education in both the United States and globally. It explores the evolving significance of college education for students and families, while analyzing how national and international social structures influence students' educational trajectories. Key topics include college access, campus experiences, academic achievement, and post-graduation outcomes. Through these lenses, students will engage with critical questions about the role and impact of higher education in contemporary society.
Equivalent Course(s): SOCI 30625, CHDV 33917, EDSO 23017, SOCI 20625, EDSO 33017
CHDV 23204. Medical Anthropology. 100 Units.
This course introduces students to the central concepts and methods of medical anthropology. Drawing on a number of classic and contemporary texts, we will consider both the specificity of local medical cultures and the processes which increasingly link these systems of knowledge and practice. We will study the social and political economic shaping of illness and suffering and will examine medical and healing systems-including biomedicine-as social institutions and as sources of epistemological authority. Topics covered will include the problem of belief; local theories of disease causation and healing efficacy; the placebo effect and contextual healing; theories of embodiment; medicalization; structural violence; modernity and the distribution of risk; the meanings and effects of new medical technologies; and global health.
Instructor(s): E. Raikhel Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): PQ: Undergraduates must have completed or currently be enrolled in a SOSC sequence. Graduate option is only open to Master's students. Grad students must enroll in the graduate discussion section only.
Note(s): CHDV Distribution: C, D; 3, 4
Equivalent Course(s): HIPS 27301, CHDV 43204, ANTH 40330, KNOW 43204, ANTH 24330, HLTH 23204
CHDV 23249. Animal Behavior. 100 Units.
This course introduces the mechanism, ecology, and evolution of behavior, primarily in nonhuman species, at the individual and group level. Topics include the genetic basis of behavior, developmental pathways, communication, physiology and behavior, foraging behavior, kin selection, mating systems and sexual selection, and the ecological and social context of behavior. A major emphasis is placed on understanding and evaluating scientific studies and their field and lab techniques.
Instructor(s): J. Mateo Terms Offered: Winter. odd years
Prerequisite(s): Three quarters of a Biological Sciences Fundamentals Sequence.
Note(s): CHDV Distribution: A
Equivalent Course(s): BIOS 23249, PSYC 23249
CHDV 23511. Memory, Reconciliation, and Healing: Transitional Justice. 100 Units.
Across the globe, recent national attempts to transition out of authoritarian rule and to manage the legacies of political conflicts have invoked discourses and questions of human rights. In the last fifty years, millions of people across the world have experience periods of protest and mobilization, violence and genocide, the emergence and entrenchment of armed revolutionary forces, and repressive governments. As these periods came to an end, the governments, civil societies, and individual citizens in each country have had to face the challenges of rebuilding social fabric, trust, and democratic culture while memorializing the past and considering the root causes of past conflict and authoritarianism. These processes have include discourses of rights (e.g. transitional justice, but also participation, democracy, education, etc.) and have shaped the lives of millions of individuals in these countries as well as the trajectories of each nation and its governments. The proposed course draws on Peru, South Africa, and Ireland as case studies to guide students in comparatively analyzing the transitional processes and current implications. The goal of the course is for students to explore how these societies and their citizens have sought to deal with these problematic national histories and what ways these processes continue to influence each society. The students will leave the class with a better understanding of how conflict and post-conflict issues and developments.
Equivalent Course(s): HMRT 23511, LACS 23511
CHDV 24050. Understanding Practical Wisdom. 100 Units.
Thinking about the nature of wisdom goes back to the Greek philosophers and the classical religious sages, but the concept of wisdom has changed in many ways over the history of thought. While wisdom has received less scholarly attention in modern times, it has recently re-emerged in popular discourse with a growing recognition of its potential importance for addressing complex issues in many domains. But what is wisdom? It's often used with a meaning more akin to "smart" or "clever." Is it just vast knowledge? This course will examine the nature of wisdom-how it has been defined in philosophy and psychological science, how its meaning has changed, and what its essential components might be. We will discuss how current philosophical and psychological theories conceptualize wisdom and consider whether, and how, wisdom can be studied scientifically; that is, can wisdom be measured and experimentally manipulated to illuminate its underlying mechanisms and understand its functions? Finally, we will explore how concepts of wisdom can be applied in business, education, medicine, the law, and in the course of our everyday lives. Readings will be drawn from a wide array of disciplines. The course will include lectures by philosophers and psychologists. This course is offered in association with the Chicago Moral Philosophy Project and the Good Life program (the Hyde Park Institute). This course is cross-listed with the McKeon Center in the UChicago College.
Instructor(s): A. Henly; H. Nusbaum Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing.
Equivalent Course(s): PSYC 24060, RLST 24055, BPRO 24050, KNOW 24050, PSYC 34060
CHDV 24500. Language and Environment. 100 Units.
This seminar will explore the many ways that language influences and is influenced by the environment. Appropriate for those interested in the socio-cultural foundations of language and language-use, infrastructural dimensions of communication and interaction, and existence as semiotic.
Instructor(s): T. Edwards Terms Offered: Spring
Note(s): Distributions: grad 3
Equivalent Course(s): ANTH 44501, ANTH 24501, LING 44500, CHDV 44500
CHDV 24530. Hooking Up, Shacking Up, Breaking Up: Public Policy and Intimate Relationships. 100 Units.
Every aspect of our lives is shaped by policy choices, including our most intimate relationships. In this course, we will examine the sociological and policy dimensions of different aspects of intimate relationships, including campus hookup cultures, relationship formation, housing policy, marriage, parenting, breakups and divorce. Each week, students will be responsible for reading an assigned book related to these topics, and class meetings will be dedicated to discussing the texts in depth. Students should be aware that texts will engage with themes of assault, abuse, and intimate partner violence. Together, we will examine how macro-level policy decisions shape pivotal intimate moments throughout the lifecourse.
Instructor(s): Gorski, Karlyn Terms Offered: Winter
Equivalent Course(s): SOCI 20614, PBPL 24530, GNSE 20151
CHDV 24599. Historical and Contemporary Issues in U.S. Racial Health Inequality. 100 Units.
This course explores persistent health inequality in the U.S. from the 1900s to the present day. The focus will be on racial gaps in urban health inequality with some discussion of rural communities. Readings will largely cover the research on Black and White gaps in health inequality, with the understanding that most of the issues discussed extend to health inequalities across many racial and ethnic groups. Readings cover the broad range of social determinants of health (socioeconomic status, education, access to health care, homelessness) and how these social determinants are rooted in longstanding legacies of American inequality. A major component of class assignments will be identifying emerging research and innovative policies and programs that point to promising pathways to eliminating health disparities.
Instructor(s): M. Keels Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): Only students with 2nd year standing or above.
Note(s): Fulfills grad requirement: 2,4 and undergrad major requirement B.
Equivalent Course(s): RDIN 24599, CHST 24599, PBPL 24599, HLTH 24599, AMER 24599, CHDV 44599
CHDV 24702. Un/Making Citizenship: The Politics of the Intimate. 100 Units.
The state is like a gravitational force that holds people in relation to itself, tugging and turning each person to different degrees. Citizenship is the mediation of that relationship. In this course, we examine different dimensions of citizenship across the life course, considering the ways people are formed into certain kinds of subjects. We ask: how and why are intimate life events of interest not only to those involved, but also to governing authorities? From the governance of conception and birth, to the (non)conferral of legal identities, the state manages legitimacy through documents like birth certificates, whose contents or absence can shape a person's entire life trajectory. In childhood, schools work to transform children into certain kinds of future citizens. From legal adulthood's gradual accrual of rights -- to vote, to have sex, to drink, to stand trial -- to old age and long after death, citizenship extends beyond the lifecourse. Over the course of the quarter, we investigate the ways people negotiate attempts to transform them into citizens, examining in particular how citizenship is mediated in relation to religion, sexuality, migration, disability, marriage, pregnancy, old age, and death.
Instructor(s): Kathryn Takabvirwa Terms Offered: TBD
Equivalent Course(s): ANTH 24702, GNSE 24704
CHDV 24711. The Sociology of Work. 100 Units.
From the Great Depression to the Great Resignation, paid work has played a central role in American life. The average American spends 1/3 of their life at work - making it an area of the social world heavily examined by politicians, journalists, and social scientists. In this course, we will look at the structural and interpersonal dynamics of work to consider the questions of what makes a "good job" in America and who gets to decide? Our topics will include low-wage work, the stigma of "dirty jobs," gender and racial inequality at work, physical and emotional labor on the job, side hustles and the gig economy, and life after retirement. Students will be required to write a 15 page research paper that draws on interview data they will collect over the quarter. No prior background in doing interviews is required!
Instructor(s): K. Schilt Terms Offered: Winter. Not Being offered in 2024/25
Equivalent Course(s): PBPL 20555, GNSE 20555, SOCI 20555
CHDV 24960. Creole Genesis and Genetic Linguistics. 100 Units.
In this seminar course we will review the "creole exceptionalism" tradition against the uniformitarian view, according to which creoles have emerged and evolved like other, natural and non-creole languages. We will situate creoles in the context of the plantation settlement colonies that produced them and compare their emergence specifically with that of languages such as English and the Romance languages in Europe. We will also compare these evolutions with those of new colonial varieties of European languages (such as Amish English, mainstream American English varieties, Brazilian Portuguese, and Québécois French) which emerged around the same time but are not considered creoles. Using the comparative approach (in evolutionary theory), we will assess whether the criteria used in the genetic classification of languages have been applied uniformly to creole and non-creole languages. In return, we will explore ways in which genetic creolistics can inform and improve genetic linguistics (including historical dialectology).
Instructor(s): Salikoko Mufwene
Equivalent Course(s): RDIN 34960, CHDV 34960, RDIN 24960, LING 24960, LING 34960
CHDV 25055. Uncertain Futures: A Sociology of Times to Come. 100 Units.
Between global militarism, intensive inequality, and climate catastrophe, the future looks uncertain. This class engages lay, scholarly and fictional futurisms-particularly emerging from Queer, Indigenous and Black traditions. We will read sociological and anthropological texts that consider how different communities envision the decades and centuries to come alongside speculative fiction that theorizes where earth and humanity are heading. Does humanity have a future? How does that future look? How do differing answers to these questions shape individuals' and communities' lives and decisions?
Instructor(s): E. Abdelhadi Terms Offered: Spring
Note(s): C; 3
Equivalent Course(s): CHDV 35055, GNSE 25055, GNSE 35055
CHDV 25120. Child Development and Public Policy. 100 Units.
The goal of this course is to introduce students to the literature on early child development and explore how an understanding of core developmental concepts can inform social policies. This goal will be addressed through an integrated, multidisciplinary approach. The course will emphasize research on the science of early child development from the prenatal period through school entry. The central debate about the role of early experience in development will provide a unifying strand for the course. Students will be introduced to research in neuroscience, psychology, economics, sociology, and public policy as it bears on questions about "what develops?", critical periods in development, the nature vs. nurture debate, and the ways in which environmental contexts (e.g., parents, families, peers, schools, institutions, communities) affect early development and developmental trajectories. The first part of the course will introduce students to the major disciplinary streams in the developmental sciences and the enduring and new debates and perspectives within the field. The second part will examine the multiple contexts of early development to understand which aspects of young children's environments affect their development and how those impacts arise. Throughout the course, we will explore how the principles of early childhood development can guide the design of policies and practices that enhance the healthy development of young children, particularly for those living in adverse circumstances, and thereby build a strong foundation for promoting equality of opportunity, reducing social class disparities in life outcomes, building human capital, fostering economic prosperity, and generating positive social change. In doing so, we will critically examine the evidence on whether the contexts of children's development are amenable to public policy intervention and the costs and benefits of different policy approaches.
Instructor(s): A. Kalil Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): Attendance on the first day of class is required or registration will be dropped.
Equivalent Course(s): PBPL 25120, PSYC 25120, EDSO 25120
CHDV 25199. Sensing Bodies, Sensing the World: Anthropology of Embodiment and Perception. 100 Units.
In this seminar, we will learn about anthropological understandings of embodiment and perception while engaging in activities that encourage us to attune to our bodies and sensory worlds. Drawing on literature and theoretical approaches from scholars including anthropologists, philosophers, and historians, we will consider questions such as: How do we use our senses to make sense of our bodies and the world around us? How do cultural and historical beliefs and practices shape sensory experiences and conceptions of the body? The readings, which will focus primarily on phenomenological, biopolitical, and posthuman approaches, will challenge divides between biology and culture, body and mind, human and nature, and self and other. As we explore these themes, we will discuss methods of sensory ethnography and work toward our own sensory ethnographies or creative projects. Throughout the course, we will relate the readings to our own embodied experiences, gaining a greater appreciation of the role of the senses (and the body) in shaping our understanding of the world and our place within it. We will use theory to think through our own embodiment and sensory perception of the world and vice versa, prioritizing creative practices and challenging assumptions at methodological as well as theoretical levels.
Instructor(s): L. Hadlock Terms Offered: Winter
Note(s): CHDV distribution C
Equivalent Course(s): HLTH 25199, ANTH 25199
CHDV 25220. Constructing a Society of Human Rights: A Psychological Framework. 100 Units.
This course is designed to discuss the ways that cultural and social psychology contribute to understandings about human rights conceptually, and how human rights issues emerge from social dynamics. Over the course of the quarter, students will learn about theories on intergroup conflict and prejudice, how an individual's beliefs emerge from social contexts and shape their relationships with others, how obedience to authority is created and abused, and how social positioning and narratives influence conceptions of self and other. We will also discuss the relevance and impact of psychological study and data on human rights issues.
Equivalent Course(s): HMRT 25220, PBPL 25220, INRE 30600
CHDV 25750. The Psychology and Neurobiology of Stress. 100 Units.
This course explores the topic of stress and its influence on behavior and neurobiology. Specifically, the course will discuss how factors such as age, gender, and social context interact to influence how we respond to stressors both physiologically and behaviorally. The course will also explore how stress influences mental and physical health.
Instructor(s): G. Norman Terms Offered: Spring
Equivalent Course(s): PSYC 25750, NSCI 22535
CHDV 25777. Aging and the Life Course: An Intersectional Perspective. 100 Units.
Societies across the world are ordered by age. In this course, we will examine how age is imagined and constructed according to biological, historical, and cultural perspectives. Drawing upon a life course model, we will study how different cultures and social groups seek to structure the individual's life in relation to the wider society by creating socially constructed stages, age cohorts, and generations. We will consider how different social factors including gender, sexuality, race, and socioeconomic status may disrupt an individual's ability to follow an idealized life course. An examination of the cultural assumptions surrounding aging in the United States will illustrate how ageism and age-stratification affect social relations across society and make certain lives more "successful" than others. The course will focus on older age and later life as a method for exploring how individuals make sense of their life experiences through narrative construction, the accumulation of disadvantage over the life course, and how historical and cultural shifts are disrupting established roles and relationships for the elderly across the world. The course will draw heavily on texts from gender and sexuality studies as a means for illustrating and understanding concepts. Students will have the opportunity to learn basic ethnographic and interviewing research techniques by conducting a life course narrative interview.
Instructor(s): G. Steffen Terms Offered: Spring
Note(s): CHDV undergrad: B
Equivalent Course(s): GNSE 25777, ANTH 25777, HLTH 25777
CHDV 25900. Developmental Psychology. 100 Units.
This is an introductory course in developmental psychology, with a focus on cognitive and social development in infancy through early childhood. Example topics include children's early thinking about number, morality, and social relationships, as well as how early environments inform children's social and cognitive development. Where appropriate, we make links to both philosophical inquiries into the nature of the human mind, and to practical inquiries concerning education and public policy.
Instructor(s): K. O'Doherty, Winter; M. Fulcher, Spring Terms Offered: Spring
Note(s): CHDV Distribution, B
Equivalent Course(s): EDSO 20500, PSYC 20500
CHDV 26000. Social Psychology. 100 Units.
This course introduces students to the field of social psychology - the scientific study of how people think about, feel about, interact with, influence, and relate to one another. Topics covered include self and social perception, social influence, beliefs and attitudes, altruism, and intergroup processes. Where relevant, we will discuss if and how findings in social psychology can be applied in real-world contexts such as health, work, and relationships.
Instructor(s): S. Oishi, Autumn; A. Light, Spring Terms Offered: Autumn
Equivalent Course(s): PSYC 20600
CHDV 26008. Principles and Methods of Measurement. 100 Units.
Accurate measurement of key theoretical constructs with known and consistent psychometric properties is one of the essential steps in quantitative social and behavioral research. However, measurement of phenomena that are not directly observable (such as psychological attributes, perceptions of organizational climate, or quality of services) is difficult. Much of the research in psychometrics has been developed in an attempt to properly define and quantify such phenomena. This course is designed to introduce students to the relevant concepts, principles, and methods underlying the construction and interpretation of tests or measures. It provides in-depth coverage of test reliability and validity, topics in test theory, and statistical procedures applicable to psychometric methods. Such understanding is essential for rigorous practice in measurement as well as for proper interpretation of research. The course is highly recommended for students who plan to pursue careers in academic research or applied practice involving the use or development of tests or measures in the social and behavioral sciences.
Instructor(s): Yanyan Sheng Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): Course work or background experience in statistics through inferential statistics and linear regression.
Equivalent Course(s): CHDV 36008, PSYC 28962, SOSC 26008, SOSC 36008, PSYC 36008
CHDV 26050. Race, Ethnicity, Language, and Citizenship in the United States. 100 Units.
This course is intended to help students make sense of the current discourse on diversity and inclusion/exclusion from a historical perspective. They will be trained to read critically the evolution of political discourse on citizenship in the United States since the American Revolution. They will learn to detect the role of shifting interpretations of race and ethnicity, after that of European nationality, in determining who is (not) a (full) citizen. For instance, who counted as "American" in the early stages of the Republic? Why were Native Americans and (descendants of) forced immigrants from Africa excluded at the outset? How did English become the unofficial language of American citizenship and inclusion? What factors favored its rise and drove to extinction the competing European national languages?
Instructor(s): Salikoko Mufwene Terms Offered: Spring
Equivalent Course(s): LING 26050, RDIN 26050, RDIN 36050, LING 36050, CHDV 36055
CHDV 26910. Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology. 100 Units.
How do we use language when we interact with others (and ourselves)? What lies beyond semantic meaning, or the presupposed function of language to deliver "information"? In this introductory course to the field of linguistic anthropology, we explore how power, inequality, and difference are enacted through various communicative features of human interaction-features that include, but are not limited to, what we refer to as "language." We ask how the things that we say (and how we say them) signal and shape our identities (such as race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, and class). Furthermore, we investigate how language enacts forms of human relationality-forms that, among others, encompass solidarity, conflict, and hierarchy in face-to-face interactions as well as in mass-mediated productions. Through this course, student will engage with and analyze linguistic features of human interaction in their cultural and political contexts.
Instructor(s): Fadi Hakim
Equivalent Course(s): LING 26910, ANTH 26910
CHDV 27015. Scientific and Humanistic Contributions to Knowledge Formation. 100 Units.
In this course, we will explore whether the sciences and the humanities can make complementary contributions to the formation of knowledge, thus leading to the integration and unification of human knowledge. In the first part of the course we will take a historical approach to the issue; we will discuss how art and science were considered complementary for much of the 18th and 19th century (for example, in the views and work of Wolfgang Goethe), how they became separate ('the two cultures') in the middle of the 20th century with the compartmentalization of academic disciplines, and how some attempts have recently been made at a reunification under the concept of 'consilience'. In the second part of the course, we will focus on conceptual issues such as the cognitive value of literature, the role of ideas in knowledge formation in science and literature, the role of creativity in scientific and literary production, and how scientific and philosophical ideas have been incorporated into literary fiction in the genre known as 'the novel of ideas'. As an example of the latter, we will read the novel 'One, No One, and 100,000' (1926) by Luigi Pirandello and discuss how this author elaborated and articulated a view of the human persona (including issues of identity and personality) from French philosophers and psychologists such as Henri Bergson and Alfred Binet.
Instructor(s): D. Maestripieri Terms Offered: Winter
Note(s): Part of Study Abroad program in Paris.
Satisfies CHD graduate distribution (1)
Equivalent Course(s): SCTH 47015, HIPS 27515, KNOW 28015, CHSS 47015, KNOW 47015, CHDV 47015
CHDV 27250. Psychological Anthropology. 100 Units.
This course traces the development of the field of psychological anthropology and critically reviews the various paradigms adopted by psychological anthropologists. In our discussions, we will draw examples from different cultural contexts to critically examine the relationship between culture and psychological functioning. By the end of the quarter, you will develop an insightful understanding of the cultural sources of the self, mind, behavior, and mental health as well as a substantial knowledge of the field of psychological anthropology.
Instructor(s): S. Numanbayraktaroglu Terms Offered: Spring
Note(s): Grad distribution: 4*; Undergrad Distribution: 3, 4
Equivalent Course(s): ANTH 24321, CHDV 37250, HIPS 27250, HLTH 27250
CHDV 27500. Introduction to Black Psychology. 100 Units.
Psychological research often presents the experiences of Black Americans using a narrow, one-dimensional, and deficit-based lens. Further, many in society overlook or are unaware of the critical contributions Black psychologists have made in shaping federal policies many Americans benefit from today. In response to these concerns, this course will introduce students to relevant psychological scholarship by drawing from both historical and current arguments that center questions of identity development, wellbeing, goodness, and cultural strengths already present within Black communities. The goals of this course are to examine factors that inform the racialized lived experiences of Black Americans across the lifecourse, while also interrogating the structural forces that impede quality of life and other key health-related outcomes overtime.
Equivalent Course(s): PSYC 27350, SSAD 27500, RDIN 27501
CHDV 27861. Darwinism and Literature. 100 Units.
In this course we will explore the notion that literary fiction can contribute to the generation of new knowledge of the human mind, human behavior, and human societies. Some novelists in the late 19th and early 20th century provided fictional portrayals of human nature that were grounded into Darwinian theory. These novelists operated within the conceptual framework of the complementarity of science and literature advanced by Goethe and the other romantics. At a time when novels became highly introspective and psychological, these writers used their literary craftsmanship to explore and illustrate universals aspects of human nature. In this course we read the work of several novelists such as George Eliot, HG Wells, Joseph Conrad, Jack London, Yuvgeny Zamyatin, Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, Italo Svevo, and Elias Canetti, and discuss how these authors anticipated the discoveries made decades later by cognitive, social, and evolutionary psychology.
Instructor(s): D. Maestripieri Terms Offered: Autumn
Note(s): Distribution requirements: Undergraduate: A; Graduate: 1
Equivalent Course(s): KNOW 31418, CHDV 37861, HIPS 24921, HIST 24921, KNOW 21418, HIST 34921, CHSS 34921
CHDV 27950. Evolution and Economics of Human Behavior. 100 Units.
This course explores how evolutionary biology and behavioral economics explain many different aspects of human behavior. Specific topics include evolutionary theory, natural and sexual selection, game theory, cost-benefit analyses of behavior from an evolutionary and a behavioral economics perspective, aggression, power and dominance, cooperation and competition, biological markets, parental investment, life history and risk-taking, love and mating, physical attractiveness and the market, emotion and motivation, sex and consumer behavior, cognitive biases in decision-making, and personality and psychopathology.
Instructor(s): D. Maestripieri Terms Offered: Autumn
Note(s): CHDV Distribution: Undergraduate subject area: A, Graduate distribution: 1
Equivalent Course(s): PSYC 37950, ECON 14810, CHDV 37950, PSYC 27950
CHDV 28055. Queerness in the Shadow of Empire: Sexualities in the Modern Middle East. 100 Units.
Critics, from both the Right and the Left, claim that liberal sexual regimes are Western, imperial impositions onto Muslim and Middle Eastern societies. On the other hand, LGBTQ+ advocates claim that the restriction of sexuality is itself a colonial legacy. This class will delve into this debate by examining cutting edge empirical and theoretical work on Queer lives in the modern Middle East.
Instructor(s): E. Abelhadi Terms Offered: Autumn. Distribution: C;3
Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent
Note(s): Distribution: C;3
Equivalent Course(s): NEHC 38055, NEHC 28055, RDIN 28055, GNSE 20141, CHDV 38055, RDIN 38055, GNSE 30141
CHDV 28301. Disability and Design. 100 Units.
Disability is often an afterthought, an unexpected tragedy to be mitigated, accommodated, or overcome. In cultural, political, and educational spheres, disabilities are non-normative, marginal, even invisible. This runs counter to many of our lived experiences of difference where, in fact, disabilities of all kinds are the "new normal." In this interdisciplinary course, we center both the category and experience of disability. Moreover, we consider the stakes of explicitly designing for different kinds of bodies and minds. Rather than approaching disability as a problem to be accommodated, we consider the affordances that disability offers for design. This course begins by situating us in the growing discipline of Disability Studies and the activist (and intersectional) Disability Justice movement. We then move to four two-week units in specific areas where disability meets design: architecture, infrastructure, and public space; education and the classroom; economics, employment, and public policy; and aesthetics. Traversing from architecture to art, and from education to economic policy, this course asks how we can design for access.
Instructor(s): M. Friedner, J. Iverson Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): Third or fourth-year standing
Equivalent Course(s): CHDV 38301, MUSI 25719, MADD 28300, HLTH 28301, MUSI 35719, BPRO 28300
CHDV 29700. Undergraduate Reading and Research. 100 Units.
Select section from faculty list on web.
Instructor(s): Staff Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): Students are required to submit the College Reading and Research Course Form.
Note(s): Must be taken for a quality grade.
CHDV 29800. B.A. Honors Seminar. 100 Units.
Required for students seeking departmental honors, this seminar is designed to help develop an honors paper project that will be approved and supervised by a HD faculty member. A course preceptor will guide students through the process of research design and proposal writing.
Instructor(s): S. Numanbayraktaroglu,
Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): Consent of the Director of Undergraduate Studies or Preceptor.
Note(s): Eligible students should plan to take the B.A. Honors Seminar in the Spring Quarter of their third year...
CHDV 29900. Honors Paper Preparation. 100 Units.
The CHDV 29900 Honors Paper Preparation course helps students successfully complete work on their BA honors paper. In order to complete honors, students who successfully took CHDV 29800 in Spring Quarter of their third year must register for CHDV 29900 Honors Paper Preparation during Autumn Quarter of their fourth year, as a 13th required course. Students are encouraged to collect their data over the summer; then this course scaffolds the process of analyzing data (such as transcription and coding) and writing up BA papers (such as tips on describing methods and peer review). The grade assigned by their thesis supervisor on the final BA paper is retroactively assigned as the grade for this course.
Instructor(s): S. Numanbayraktaroglu,
Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): CHDV 29800 and an approved honors paper. Students are required to submit the College Reading and Research Course Form.