Contacts | Minor in Education and Society | Program Requirements | Summary of Requirements | Alternative Methods Courses for CHDV Majors | Approved Elective Courses | Advising and Grading | Awards

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Minor in Education and Society

Courses in the Education and Society minor probe fundamental questions about the interplay between human development and the institution of schooling using the tools of the social science disciplines. Courses explore how people learn and teach as well as the complex relationships between education and the communities and societies it is situated within. Courses are theory-driven yet also provide important insights into the social contexts of education, strategies for strengthening educational practice, and levers for reducing social inequality in academic achievement. The minor spans a diverse set of course listings because education as a discipline spans the life course and happens in many contexts: in the schoolhouse, the family, communities, workplaces, and political arenas. Psychological, social, economic, political, and cultural factors influence educational trajectories and outcomes ranging from individual health and income to forms of social inequality and trajectories of economic development. The interactions among educational organizations and other institutions shape the possibilities for innovation and intentional reform. To understand the intersection of educational institutions and the broader societies, these courses cross boundaries among theory, research, policy, and practice. This minor is focused on education topics from a theoretical and methodological perspective. College students in any field of study may complete a minor in Education and Society. The flexibility of this course of study complements majors in any of the disciplines.

Program Requirements

Students pursuing the Education and Society minor are required to enroll in CHDV 20100 Human Development Research Design. This is predicated on the belief that the theoretical study of education should be rooted in a broad understanding of methods, and that the course of study lends itself to the use of both qualitative and quantitative methods. Students must also complete four approved electives that consider psychological, social, economic, political, or cultural factors in education. The four approved courses may be taken from the list of courses outlined by the faculty co-administrators annually. Students may also petition for other courses not on the list to be counted toward the minor with the faculty co-administrators.

Students who elect the minor must confer with one of the program directors before the end of Spring Quarter of their third year to declare their intention to complete the minor. 

The Education and Society minor requires a total of five courses, including:

1. CHDV 20100 Human Development Research Design (Students majoring in Comparative Human Development must complete an alternative methods course, as described below.)

2. Four approved courses designated as counting toward the Education and Society minor.

Summary of Requirements

CHDV 20100Human Development Research Design *100
Four approved electives400
Total Units500

Alternative Methods Courses for CHDV Majors

The following methods courses are approved alternatives for Comparative Human Development majors. Additional methods courses may also be approved by consent from the faculty co-administrators.

ANTH 21420Ethnographic Methods100
ECON 21010Statistical Methods in Economics *100
PBPL 26400Quantitative Methods in Public Policy100
PSYC 20200Psychological Research Methods100
SOCI 20001Sociological Methods100

Approved Elective Courses

BPRO 23500The Organization of Knowledge *100
CHDV 20207Race, Ethnicity, and Human Development *100
CHDV 20209Adolescent Development *100
CHDV 20305Inequality in Urban Spaces **100
CHDV 20499Inequality in Education: Theory, Policy and Practice ***100
CHDV 20750Cognition and Emotion in Everyday Life *100
CHDV 20774Multilingualism in Mind & Social Interaction: Language, Self, & Thought in the Multilingual Context100
CHDV 21000Cultural Psychology *100
CHDV 23010Blooming, Buzzing Confusion100
CHDV 23050The Role of Science in U.S. Education Reform100
CHDV 23100Human Language and Interaction100
CHDV 23305Critical Studies of Mental Health in Higher Education100
CHDV 25010Ethnography in US Education *100
CHDV 27255Schools as Organizations: Theory, Methods, Practice100
CRES 27547Race, Ethnicity, and American Public Schools100
ECMA 36700Economics of Education100
EDSO 21522Education, Culture, and Power100
EDSO 22700It Goes Without Saying: Conversation in Context100
EDSO 23002Schooling and Identity100
EDSO 23005Education and Social Inequality100
EDSO 23007Language, Culture, and Education100
EDSO 23008Approaches to K-12 Teaching and Learning100
EDSO 23009Research Practice Partnerships in Education100
EDSO 23010Sociology of Education100
EDSO 23011Beyond the Culture Wars: Social Movements and the Politics of Education in the U.S.100
EDSO 23012Linguistic Anthropology of Education100
EDSO 23013Educational Excellence in US Public Schools100
EDSO 23089Intermediate Regression and Data Science100
EDSO 27919Research in School Improvement100
EDSO 28700Adolescent Development in Context100
GLST 25220Globalization and Education: Transnational Perspectives on Policy and Practice100
LING 20150Language and Communication100
PBPL 22300Policy Implementation100
PBPL 25120Child Development and Public Policy100
PBPL 25405Child Poverty and Chicago Schools100
PBPL 25860Crime, Justice, and Inequality in the American City *100
PBPL 26303Practicum: Interview Project on Public Education100
PBPL 27809Violence in the Early Years100
PBPL 28029Education Policy100
PBPL 28350Education and Economic Development100
PHIL 22819Philosophy of Education100
PSYC 20400Cognitive Psychology *100
PSYC 20500Developmental Psychology100
PSYC 21116The Development of Social Cognition100
PSYC 21690Media and Psychology: Causes and consequences of media use across the lifespan100
PSYC 22220Understanding Inequality as a Psychologist100
PSYC 22580Child Development in the Classroom100
PSYC 22880Psychological Impacts of Education Policy100
PSYC 22950Emergence and Development of Mathematics and Language100
PSYC 23200Introduction to Language Acquisition100
PSYC 23600Cognition in Infancy100
PSYC 23800Introduction to Learning and Memory100
PSYC 23820Attention and Working Memory in the Mind and Brain100
PSYC 25620How Children Think100
SOCI 20004Statistical Methods of Research100
SOCI 20112Applications of Hierarchical Linear Models100
SOCI 20192The Effects of Schooling100
SSAD 23412Cultural Studies in Education100

Approved, eligible courses for the Education and Society minor will be listed each year on the Education and Society minor website.

Advising and Grading

Courses in the minor may not be double counted with the student's major(s), other minors, or general education requirements. Courses in the minor must be taken for quality grades. Only university-level courses offered by the University of Chicago may be approved for EDSO requirements; no other form of credit (including Advanced Placement) is allowed.


Charles Payne Thesis Prize for Education and Society

Fourth-year EDSO minors who write a BA thesis for their major may submit their thesis for consideration in the Charles Payne Thesis Prize for Education and Society competition. Submission guidelines and award details can be found on the minor website.

Marylyn C. Grabosky Award for Undergraduate Research Related to Education

The Marylyn C. Grabosky Award for Undergraduate Research Related to Education is awarded to select third-year students who are writing a BA thesis related to education. It provides financial support during the summer before the fourth year to carry out research that will be continued as a senior honors project. Applications, which are submitted at the beginning of Spring Quarter, include a research proposal, personal statement, budget, CV, and a letter of recommendation. Details of the award, which is made possible by the the Marylyn C. Grabosky STEM Education Initiative Fund, can be found on the minor website.



Assistant Senior Instructional Professor; Associate Director of Instructional Programs, Committee on Education; Associate Director, Committee on Education
Lisa Rosen
SSRB 417


Associate Professor, Department of Comparative Human Development
Jill Mateo


Administrative Contact

Student Affairs Administrator
Megan Swartz
SSRB 416
