Contacts | Minor Program in Quantitative Social Analysis | Program Requirements | Summary of Requirements | Approved Courses | Advising and Grading
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Minor Program in Quantitative Social Analysis
The minor in Quantitative Social Analysis explores social statistics and mathematics to describe, understand, and predict the behavior and experiences of individuals, groups, and organizations of groups. These statistical and mathematical methods focus on measurement, analysis, or both, using techniques and strategies that are widely useful, for example, in understanding thoughts and behaviors of individuals, as well as the cultures of societies, fluctuations of markets, actions of governments, spread of disease, dynamics of migration, causes of war, and the diffusion of knowledge. The minor in Quantitative Social Analysis develops strong statistical foundations for the purpose of learning how to draw valid inferences from quantifiable data and critically evaluate empirical evidence in the social and behavioral sciences.
A minor in Quantitative Social Analysis provides an excellent foundation for application to graduate study at all levels and in many disciplines, ranging from economics, psychology, political science, public policy, and sociology, as well as non–social science disciplines such as medical school, public health, education, social services, applied mathematics, and applied computer science. The minor in Quantitative Social Analysis aims to train students in ways that are more immediately attractive to employers in industry, government, the military, environmental studies, journalism, and public interest and advocacy groups, as well as to University of Chicago faculty seeking research assistance.
Program Requirements
Course Work
Students take five (5) courses that cover three levels: Basic Skills (one course), Advanced Skills (two courses), and Quantitative Applications (two courses). Or, if the student has already completed a Basic Skills course for the major, then three Advanced Skills courses and two Quantitative Applications courses.
- Students who are taking Basic Skills courses should primarily focus on developing theoretical understanding of statistics and building up quantitative skills (rather than simply utilizing quantitative skills as part of the course).
- Students who are taking Advanced Skills courses will further develop their statistical skills with broad usefulness in social scientific research.
- Students who are prepared with more advanced statistical training are then able to more deeply understand the Quantitative Applications in courses throughout the social sciences and engage in research appropriate to those courses in solo activity or as part of research teams.
In order to ensure that the minor in Quantitative Social Analysis represents the diversity of training across the social sciences, no more than three courses may be taken in any one department, and the Quantitative Applications courses must be drawn from at least two departments. In all cases, students should be aware that some approved courses have explicit prerequisites which may not count toward the Quantitative Social Analysis minor.
Summary of Requirements
One Basic Skills course | 100 | |
Two Advanced Skills courses | 200 | |
Two Quantitative Applications courses | 200 | |
Total Units | 500 |
Approved Courses
The following courses have been approved by the Committee on Quantitative Methods in Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences as appropriate for the minor in Quantitative Social Analysis and are listed by the three levels stipulated above (Basic Skills, Advanced Skills, and Quantitative Applications).
Basic Skills
One course; may not be satisfied with AP credit.
Students who have already taken SOSC 13100-13200-13300 Social Science Inquiry I-II-III or previously completed any of the Basic Skills courses as part of their majors may substitute an additional Advanced Skills course in place of the Basic Skills course.
BIOS 20172 | Mathematical Modeling for Pre-Med Students | 100 |
CHDV 20101 | Applied Statistics in Human Development Research | 100 |
ECON 21010 | Statistical Methods in Economics | 100 |
GISC 28702 | Introduction to GIS and Spatial Analysis | 100 |
MACS 30500 | Computing for the Social Sciences | 100 |
PBHS 32100 | Introduction to Biostatistics | 100 |
PBPL 26400 | Quantitative Methods in Public Policy | 100 |
PLSC 26969 | Quantitative Methods for Political Science | 100 |
PLSC 30500 | Introduction to Quantitative Social Science | 100 |
PSYC 20100 | Psychological Statistics | 100 |
PSYC 20200 | Psychological Research Methods | 100 |
PSYC 20250 | Introduction to Statistical Concepts and Methods | 100 |
SOCI 20004 | Introduction to Statistical Methods and Models | 100 |
SOCI 20157 | Mathematical Models | 100 |
SOCI 30004 | Introduction to Statistical Methods and Models | 100 |
SOSC 20111 | Inferential Statistics | 100 |
SOSC 26006 | Foundations for Statistical Theory | 100 |
SOSC 26009 | Introductory Statistical Methods | 100 |
STAT 22000 | Statistical Methods and Applications | 100 |
STAT 23400 | Statistical Models and Methods | 100 |
Advanced Skills
Two courses; or three courses if a Basic Skills course has already been completed for the student's major.
CHDV 30102 | Introduction to Causal Inference | 100 |
CHDV 32411 | Mediation, Moderation, and Spillover Effects | 100 |
ECMA 31000 | Introduction to Empirical Analysis | 100 |
ECMA 31130 | Topics in Microeconometrics | 100 |
ECMA 31340 | Big Data Tools in Economics | 100 |
ECMA 31360 | Causal Inference | 100 |
ECON 21020 | Econometrics | 100 |
ECON 21030 | Econometrics - Honors | 100 |
ECON 21300 | Data Construction and Interpretation in Economic Applications | 100 |
ECON 21410 | Computational Methods in Economics | 100 |
ECON 21800 | Experimental Economics | 100 |
MACS 31300 | AI Applications in the Social Sciences | 100 |
PBHS 30910 | Epidemiology and Population Health | 100 |
PBHS 32400 | Applied Regression Analysis | 100 |
PBHS 32600 | Analysis of Categorical Data | 100 |
PBHS 32700 | Biostatistical Methods | 100 |
PBHS 32901 | Introduction to Clinical Trials | 100 |
PBHS 33300 | Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis | 100 |
PBHS 33500 | Statistical Applications | 100 |
PBHS 34500 | Machine Learning for Public Health | 100 |
PBPL 28430 | International Trade, Banking and Capital Markets | 100 |
PBPL 28550 | Methods of Data Collection: Social Experiments, Quasi-Experiments and Surveys | 100 |
PBPL 28820 | Machine Learning and Policy | 100 |
PLSC 30700 | Introduction to Linear Models | 100 |
PPHA 30545 | Machine Learning for Public Policy | 100 |
SOCI 20112 | Applications of Hierarchical Linear Models | 100 |
SOCI 20253 | Introduction to Spatial Data Science | 100 |
SOCI 30005 | Regression and Generalized Linear Models | 100 |
SOSC 26007 | Overview of Quantitative Methods in the Social and Behavioral Sciences | 100 |
SOSC 36008 | Principles and Methods of Measurement | 100 |
STAT 22600 | Analysis of Categorical Data | 100 |
STAT 24400 | Statistical Theory and Methods I | 100 |
STAT 24500 | Statistical Theory and Methods II | 100 |
STAT 27855 | Hypothesis Testing with Empirical Bayes Methodology | 100 |
STAT 35920 | Applied Bayesian Modeling and Inference | 100 |
Quantitative Applications
Two courses
ECMA 36700 | Economics of Education | 100 |
ECON 23410 | Economic Growth | 100 |
ECON 24000 | Labor Economics | 100 |
ECON 24450 | Inequality and the Social Safety Net: Theory, Empirics, and Policies | 100 |
ECON 24720 | Inequality: Origins, Dimensions, and Policy | 100 |
ECON 25000 | Introduction To Finance | 100 |
ECON 25100 | Financial Economics; Speculative Markets | 100 |
ECON 25520 | Development Economics and Data Analysis | 100 |
ECON 26010 | Public Finance | 100 |
ECON 26730 | Global Energy & Climate Challenge: Economics, Science & Policy | 100 |
ECON 26800 | Energy and Energy Policy | 100 |
ECON 27000 | International Economics | 100 |
ECON 27700 | Health Economics and Public Policy | 100 |
ECON 28000 | Industrial Organization | 100 |
ECON 28060 | The Economics of Organizations: An Experimental Perspective | 100 |
ECON 28100 | The Economics of Sports | 100 |
ECON 28700 | The Economics of Crime | 100 |
ECON 31750 | Topics on the Analysis of Randomized Experiments | 100 |
ECON 35550 | The Practicalities of Running Randomized Control Trials | 100 |
ENST 26530 | Environment, Agriculture, and Food: Economic and Policy Analysis | 100 |
PBHS 35100 | Health Services Research Methods | 100 |
PBPL 25910 | The Health of American Democracy | 100 |
PBPL 28350 | Education and Economic Development | 100 |
PBPL 28375 | Political Economy of Development | 100 |
PBPL 28425 | Strategic Behavior and Regulation of Firms | 100 |
PBPL 28538 | Political Economy of Natural Resources | 100 |
PBPL 28765 | The Politics of Authoritarian Regimes | 100 |
PBPL 28829 | Artificial Intelligence for Public Policy | 100 |
PLSC 22400 | Public Opinion | 100 |
PLSC 23501 | International Political Economy | 100 |
PLSC 28110 | Lab and Field Experiments in Comparative Politics and Policy | 100 |
PLSC 31510 | Introduction to Text as Data for Social Science | 100 |
PPHA 35577 | Big Data and Development | 100 |
PPHA 38520 | GIS Applications in the Social Sciences | 100 |
PSYC 26010 | Big Data in the Psychological Sciences | 100 |
SOCI 20103 | Social Stratification | 100 |
SOCI 20122 | Introduction to Population | 100 |
SOCI 20192 | The Effects of Schooling | 100 |
SOCI 20263 | Human Migration | 100 |
SOCI 20264 | Wealth | 100 |
SOCI 20275 | Sociology of Health and Aging | 100 |
Approved, eligible courses for the Education and Society minor will be listed each year on the Quantitative Social Analysis minor website.
Advising and Grading
Courses in the minor may not be double counted with the student’s major(s), other minors, or general education requirements. Courses in the minor must be taken for quality grades, and more than half of the requirements for the minor must be met by registering for courses bearing University of Chicago course numbers.
College students majoring in any field may complete the minor in Quantitative Social Analysis. Students who elect the minor program in Quantitative Social Analysis must contact the program administrator before the end of Spring Quarter of their third year to declare their intention to complete the minor. The program administrator must submit approval on the Consent to Complete a Minor Program form provided by the College for the minor to the student's College adviser by the Spring Quarter of the student's third year.
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Undergraduate Primary Contact
Senior Instructional Professor, Committee on Quantitative Methods in Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences
Yanyan Sheng
1155 E. 60th St., Room 223